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Sub-problem 2c - Page 3 of 3

ID# C102C03

Sub-problem 2c: Analysis of the U.S. 95 Arterial

Step 2. Results

The HCM urban streets methodology produces travel speed and level of service for each arterial segment, as well as for the entire urban street. But to get an idea of the effect of a signal at the Styner-Lauder Avenue intersection, we must also estimate the speed and level of service for the urban street, without the new signal at Styner-Lauder. Exhibit 1-24 summarizes these results.

Exhibit 1-24. U.S.95 Urban Street Analysis (Dataset12, Dataset13)


With signal at Styner-Lauder
Travel speed (LOS)
Without signal at Styner-Lauder
Travel speed (LOS)
Sweet to Styner-Lauder 22.4 mi/hr (C) 29.3 mi/hr (B)
Styner-Lauder to Palouse River Drive 27.1 mi/hr (C)
Overall-urban street 25.4 mi/hr (C) 29.3 mi/hr (B)

We can see that the addition of the signal at Styner-Lauder reduces the travel speed by about 4 mph, or about 13 percent. The level of service is reduced from B, without the signal, to C, with the signal.

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