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Sub-problem 5b - Page 5 of 5

ID# C105B05

Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet

What volumes should be used in the future conditions analysis? Since the future conditions do not yet exist in the hamlet, we must project or forecast the expected traffic conditions, estimate the resulting intersecting volumes, and do the capacity analysis as outlined previously.

Exhibit 1-44 shows the intersecting volumes that have been projected. For this analysis, the volumes into and out of each cross street were estimated on the basis of the types and densities of land uses that each cross street is expected to serve. 

What additional assumptions are necessary for the analysis? Exhibit 1-45 shows the results from analysis of the five unsignalized intersections. You can click here to see the five datasets. Additional information necessary to this analysis included assumptions regarding the peak hour factor, heavy vehicle percentages, and geometry.

Exhibit 1-45. Intersection Delays by Approach and Movement

(Click here for Datasets)

Intersection Delays by Approach (sec/veh)
East West North South
#1 (North) 22.8 19.6 8.7 0.0 9.2 0.3
#2 26.4 24.3 8.9 0.1 9.2 0.4
#3 32.0 25.9 9.1 0.7 9.1 0.3
#4 24.6 22.7 9.1 0.3 8.9 0.2
#5 (South) 22.9 18.6 9.0 0.2 8.8 0.1

You probably recall that the HCM unsignalized intersection analysis procedure assumes the Rank 1 through and right-turning movements on the major street don't yield to any other movements. Why, then, is there a small amount of delay reported in Exhibit 1-45 for these movements (NB through/right and SB through/right)? The answer lies in the fact that, on this particular two-lane highway, no separate lane is provided for vehicles turning left from the major street onto the minor streets. When no left-turn pocket is provided on the major street, a delayed left-turn vehicle will occasionally block the Rank 1 vehicles behind it. The HCM procedure accounts for this delay to Rank 1 vehicles, as shown in Exhibit 1-45.

For the purpose of this sub-problem, we have assumed the default values presented in Chapter 17 for unsignalized intersections. In addition to these default values, we used the intersecting volumes shown in Exhibit 1-44, a PHF of 0.88, 10% trucks, and flares of 2, 3, 2, 1, and 1 vehicle at intersections 1-5 respectively based on geometric data collected in the field.

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