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Sub-problem 3a - Page 3 of 13

ID# C403A03

Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis

Step 2. Results

Weaving Segments A & B
The weaving sections at A and B may be the easiest to analyze, so we’ll study them simultaneously. Each is four lanes wide and approximately 3,100 feet and 2,600 feet in length, respectively. The entering and exiting facilities are both two lanes wide. Each weaving section is Type A, because the weaving vehicles on the upstream facility must make at least one lane change to complete the weave.

The field data upon which the methodology is based suggests that the weaving and non-weaving speeds are different from one another. To compute the weaving and non-weaving speeds, we need to do two calculations using equation 24-2 in the HCM 2000 to determine the average speed of the weaving, Sw and non-weaving vehicles, Snw.

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