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Sub-problem 3a - Page 13 of 13

ID# C403A13

Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis

Just upstream, on I-787NB, there is a two-lane off- ramp, which acts as a lane drop. We examined the idea of maintaining that third lane through the weaving segment, having the effect of adding a lane. The analysis results are presented in Exhibit 4-57.

Exhibit 4-57. Effects of Lane Addition at Location E
# of Lanes Ww Wnw Sw
LOS Operation type
3 4.61 0.88 23.02 38.97 27.87 44.99 F Constrained
4 3.49 0.6 25.02 43.06 30.45 30.89 D Constrained

You can see that the impacts of the lane addition are significant. The LOS improves from F to D. If the lane addition also increases the free flow speed on the freeway, that would further improve the LOS to C.

The weave at location E has shown the importance of considering multiple time periods, the effects of the free flow speed and peak hour factors, and the importance of geometric design in a weaving segment.

Weaving Segment D
The weaving movements at D are complex. There is an upstream merge on the on-ramp and a lane drop in the middle of the weaving section. As a result, this weaving segment will be thoroughly examined in Sub-problem 2c.

Weaving Segment M
The weaving movements at Location M are also not traditional. The location is a collector/distributor road located on the south side of Route 7. There is single through lane with an additional lane between the I-787SB/Route 7EB on-ramp and the Route 7EB/I-787NB off-ramp. This section will be discussed in detail in Sub-problem 2d.

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