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Sub-problem 3a - Page 9 of 13

ID# C403A09

Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis

Exhibit 4-52. Flow Distribution Analysis Results
Scenario Ww Wnw Sw mph Snw mph S mph Density pcpmpl LOS Operation of Type
1 0.7 0.42 47.35 53.79 51.53 24.21 C Unconstrained
2 0.65 0.34 48.35 55.94 53.58 23.29 C Unconstrained
3 0.61 0.3 49.1 57.46 55.13 22.62 C Unconstrained

In all three scenarios, we find that the LOS is C. Apparently, the LOS isn’t very sensitive to the distribution of volumes among the four weaving movements. This indicates that the assumption we make about the weaving volumes will likely work. It also means that if the distribution changes from day to day, as it probably does, the facility’s performance will likely remain at LOS C.

This insensitivity will not always exist. As the overall volumes in the weaving segment increase, the effect of these variations in the flow distribution will become more significant.

Variations in the weaving movement distributions have an affect on the weaving and non-weaving speeds. As the weaving movements decrease and the non-weaving movements increase, both the weaving and non-weaving speeds increase. As the weaving volumes are reduced, there is a decrease in the conflicts that arise in the segment, allowing the speeds to increase. Therefore, the overall speed in the weave should also be expected to increase and the density should decrease.

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