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Sub-problem 4a - Page 4 of 4

ID# C404A04

Sub-problem 4a: Division of Alternate Route 7 for Analysis

Check Exhibit 4-64 to see how well you did in identifying the segments that make up this facility. For each segment, Exhibit 4-64 includes the segment length, the number of lanes on the freeway mainline, and the segment type (either B for basic segment, M or D for merge or diverge area, or W for weaving section). It also includes the number of lanes on each of the on and off-ramps, shown in circles.

Exhibit 4-64. Segment Characteristics
Click to enlarge

Study this information carefully. You should be able to see why each segment was defined. When you are ready, proceed to sub-problem 4b, where we will study the performance of this facility during the off-peak period.

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