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Sub-problem 4c - Page 6 of 7

ID# C404C06

Sub-problem 4c: Peak Operational Analysis of Alternate Route 7

Let's note one other result from Exhibit 4-73 for the sections downstream from the bottleneck (section 6). Note that the volume/capacity ratio is less than the demand/capacity ratio. Or, similarly, the demand is higher than the volume. What is the implication of this result? Some vehicles that desire to reach sections downstream from the bottleneck (sections 7 through 11) are unable to do so during time period 2. They are in the queue forming in sections 4 and 5 and will be delayed in this queue until at least time period 3. This unserved demand is transferred from time period 2 to time period 3.

When you are ready to review the results from time periods 3 and 4, proceed to the next page.

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