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Sub-problem 5a - Page 3 of 3

ID# C405A03

Sub-problem 5a: Network Simulation

Probably the most significant lesson learned from Problem 5 is that it is possible to develop a simulation model for the subarea network. We also learned that it is possible to obtain interesting pieces of information about the performance of the network to help planners and designers understand where there are problems and what can be done about them.

The simulation model is a diagnostic tool, not a solution generator. It can tell how a given network configuration performs and let you compare and contrast one solution with another. The model won’t tell where to add capacity or how much. These need to be obtained through engineering judgment or trial and error. But you have to develop the solution ideas.

Simulation models have value. They can examine networks of highway facilities in a highly unified, holistic fashion. Inter-dependencies and cascading effects can be taken into account, as can traffic variations over time, over saturation, queue length fluctuations, lane blockages, and other transient phenomena. Simulation models add value when these issues are important and the interrelationships among the facilities have to be captured.

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