The first problem
focuses on Route 7 itself, the freeway segment between I-87 and I-787. We
use this problem to show you how the basic freeway analysis methodology in the HCM can be used
to look at issues ranging from whether the difference in the number of lanes
by direction is reasonable (2 eastbound and 3 westbound) to the extent to
which the facility’s performance varies across the year.
The second problem
looks at Exits 6 and 7 on I-87 and the NY-9 exit on NY-7 (see
Exhibit 4-3). We show you how to
examine questions about the design of the interchange and how to increase
capacity and reduce delays.
The third problem looks at the I-787 interchange
complex. In a fashion similar to the second problem, we show how to
determine whether design enhancements might increase the capacity of several
ramps and weaving sections.
In the fourth problem, we use the freeway
systems analysis methodology to assess the performance of NY-7 in both
In the fifth and final problem, we use VISSIM,
a microscopic simulation model, to show you how to assess the performance of
the system as a whole: the interchanges on the western and eastern ends as
well as the basic freeway section in-between.
Each problem
illustrates something important for a traffic engineer to do to find
solutions to the facility’s problems.
We are not going to
present the entire subarea analysis but rather portions of it. We’re going
to use the treatment identification setting as a backdrop to illustrate use
of the HCM analysis procedures. Consequently, we’re going to focus on
specific intersections and conditions to illustrate specific types of
analyses and issues.
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