Overview - Page 2 of 2 |
ID# C4OV002 |
We’re going to
consider these issues and others through a series of five problems. Each one
illustrates different facets of the deficiency analysis. Each one also
illustrates how the various traffic analysis tools in the
Highway Capacity
Manual can be applied to assist traffic analysts, engineers, planners, and
decision-makers in making sound investment decisions regarding changes to a
transportation system.
The problems focus on
the chapters of the HCM that deal with uninterrupted facilities. We start
with basic freeway sections, then go on to weaving sections and ramps, apply the
freeway systems methodology to the NY-7 portion of the subarea network, and
conclude with a simulation model for the subarea as a whole. After working
through this material, you should be able to:
Determine the appropriate analyses required to address a problem similar
to what is presented in this case study. This includes the physical scope
of the area to be included in the analysis and selecting the appropriate
analysis. |
Understand what input data are required and the assumptions that are
commonly made regarding default values for the HCM procedures for these
facilities. |
Understand when and how to apply the methodologies for basic freeway
sections, weaving sections, ramps, and freeway systems. |
Understand the limitations of the HCM procedures and when it is
appropriate to use other models or computational tools. |
Know how to reasonably interpret the results from an HCM analysis and how
these results can be used to support a particular decision regarding
changes to a transportation system. |