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Sub-problem 2b - Page 4 of 10

ID# C402B04

Sub-problem 2b: What are the Levels of Service in the Weaving Sections Located in the I-87/Alternate Route 7 Interchange?

The New York State Department of Transportation has a program of continuous traffic counting for most freeways and highways in the state. Data gathered from the permanent count stations located on the interchange were used to identify the morning and afternoon peak hour for the entry and exit points at the weaving sections, identified as points A, B, C, and D in Exhibits 4-24, 4-25, and 4-26 below. From these entry and exit counts, local traffic engineers estimated the origins and destinations for the weaving sections based on their knowledge of local traffic flow conditions. Sometimes you will have actual origin-destination movements for a weaving section, but other times, as for this sub-problem, you will need to estimate the weaving flows based on your knowledge of local conditions.

Exhibit 4-23 shows the origin and destination data that were estimated for the three weaving sections.

Exhibit 4-23. NYSDOT Origin and Destination Data
Weave A - AM peak 415 178 336 783
Weave A - PM peak 321 138 520 1,212
Weave B - AM peak 658 987 551 0
Weave B - PM peak 1,752 2,629 1,066 0
Weave C - AM peak 0 2,420 1,150 1,150
Weave C - PM peak 0 1,067 825 825


Exhibit 4-24.
Weave A

Exhibit 4-25.
Weave B

Exhibit 4-26.
Weave C

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