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Sub-problem 2b - Page 9 of 10

ID# C402B09

Sub-problem 2b: What are the Levels of Service in the Weaving Sections Located in the I-87/Alternate Route 7 Interchange?

After a review of Exhibit 4-28 and the discussion from the previous page, we can summarize the operations of the three weaving sections as follows.

Weave A is forecasted to operate at levels of service A and B during the AM and PM peak periods, respectively. While there is a high speed differential between the weaving and non-weaving vehicles, the proportion of weaving traffic (volume ratio) is low (0.31 and 0.30, respectively) during the two time periods. This means that the overall speed of all vehicles in the section is over 50 mi/hr and the resultant densities (9.4 pc/mi/lane and 12.5 pc/mi/lane) are low. We can conclude that, based on today's volumes, Weave A will operate at a very acceptable level for motorists traveling through this section. There is no reason to consider any changes to the design of this weaving section.

We should further note that all model limitations are met by the conditions for Weave A, so we can be reasonably confidant of our conclusions.

Weave B, by contrast, is forecasted to operate at level of service B during the AM peak but only level of service E during the PM peak period. What are the factors that cause this poor operation during the afternoon period?

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