Problem 5: U.S. 95
South of Moscow
Printable Version U.S. 95 continues south
out of Moscow bound for Lewiston, ID, 32 miles to the south.
Exhibit 1-42
shows an aerial photograph of about a four-mile stretch of the highway
just south of Moscow. A short length of suburban two-lane arterial leads
quickly to a rural two-lane highway.
The state highway agency would like to evaluate the performance
characteristics of U.S. 95 as a single facility. To help address this
issue, we will explore issues related to the short section of U.S. 95 that acts as a
main street for the somewhat developed area you can see toward the bottom of the
aerial photograph. Currently, the development in this area does not
generate much activity, but trip making is expected to increase over the
next 10 years as the area grows.
estimates are that 10 years from now U.S. 95 south of Moscow will carry
about 1,100 vehicles per hour during the PM peak and about 700 of these
trips will be generated by the development area (400
originating and 300 destined for this
area). Another 300 will be bound toward
Moscow from this area, which we will hereafter refer to as a hamlet. In addition, the
hamlet will generate a total of about 2,000 vehicle trips during the PM peak (the
700 trips mentioned above are included in this figure), 100 of these trips will go to and
from points further south, and the remaining 1,200 trips will be local
within the hamlet.
How will U.S. 95 operate in the future
based on these forecast traffic conditions? Continue to the next
page for additional discussion.
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With Problem 5 |
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1-42. U.S. 95 South of Moscow

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Problem 5: U.S. 95 south of Moscow
Problem Definition
The state highway agency would like to evaluate the performance
characteristics of U.S. 95 within the 10-mile stretch of
the highway from Moscow south. Currently, this section of highway operates
at a uniform posted speed of 55 mph (even through the hamlet) and has other
characteristics that suggest it should be classified as a Class I facility.
The analysis methodology described in Chapter 20 of the HCM is therefore
applicable to these existing conditions.
The analysis of
future conditions is not so clear-cut: it is anticipated that the speed
limit within the 1-mile segment that defines the hamlet may be reduced to 35
mph as the hamlet grows and becomes a significant traffic generator.
When this happens, the Chapter 20 methodology of the HCM will no longer be
applicable to the evaluation of overall facility performance
characteristics. Neither are there any other standard and readily-applied
planning-level methods that can be used to estimate the performance
characteristics of the 10-mile section of U.S. 95 in this situation.
Notwithstanding the absence of a standard planning-level analysis procedure,
practical considerations require that the state highway agency have and
employ a defensible procedure for evaluating the performance of this highway
section under both existing and future conditions, allowing it to make plans
and establish capital improvement programs that reasonably rely on the
results of the evaluation process.
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] [ Continue ] with Problem 5 |
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Exhibit 1-43. Study area
for Two-Lane Rural Highway Analysis

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Problem 5: U.S. 95 south of Moscow
It is also recognized that, in real terms, the range of potential solution
alternatives to any deficiencies that might be identified is fairly
a bypass could be constructed, although this is
typically very expensive; |
U.S. 95 could be widened through the hamlet to provide a
3-, 4-, or even 5-lane cross-section; and/or |
 | a raised median could be installed to limit or even
prohibit turn movements. |
Exhibit 1-43 shows a schematic of the area
being studied. First, there is a 4.5 mile section of two-lane rural
highway, then the 1-mile section through the hamlet, then another 4.5-mile section of two-lane highway.
The figure also provides you a
broad-brush sense of the traffic volumes. Whether a bypass is built or
not, the figure shows that during the PM peak hour, there are 600 vehicles
traveling south and 500 traveling north. Of the 600 coming south, 400 are
destined for the hamlet, while the remaining 200 are going further south.
Another 50 vehicles originate in the hamlet for trips further south so
that the southbound volume below the hamlet is 250 vehicles per hour. In
the northbound direction, the flow rate is 250 vehicles per hour just
south of the hamlet. Fifty of these vehicles are
destined for the hamlet and the remainder are traveling further north
toward Moscow. An additional 300 trips originate in the hamlet bound for
Moscow and further north. This means the northbound volume just above the
hamlet is 500 vehicles per hour.
To provide the performance evaluation that is desired for this highway
section, it will be necessary to conduct a number of separate analyses.
The remainder of this discussion is presented in the context of the
following three sub-problems:
Sub-problem 5a:
Existing analysis of 10-mile segment of U.S. 95
Sub-problem 5b: Future analysis of 10-mile segment of U.S. 95 with
recognition of the hamlet
Sub-problem 5c: Analysis of 10-mile segment with a bypass
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5a |
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Sub-problem 5a: Existing
Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95
Step 1. Setup
In sub-problem 5a, we will evaluate the operational
characteristics of a 10-mile section of U.S. 95 under existing conditions. Here are some issues to consider as you proceed with the analysis of the
existing 2-lane highway and its performance.
What data are required for the analysis? |
What other factors should be considered? |
 | What measure should be used to determine the
performance of the facility? |
Take a few minutes to consider these questions. When you are ready to
continue, click continue below to proceed.
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with Sub-Problem 5a |
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Sub-problem 5a: Existing
Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S. 95
Step 2: Setup
What data are required for the
analysis? We
want to determine the LOS that drivers experience on the
existing 10-mile section. The analysis methodology contained in Chapter 20
of the HCM is applicable, and the following data are needed to conduct an
operational analysis:
geometric data |
demand volumes for each direction |
free flow speed |
Today, the average daily traffic on U.S. 95 is about 600 vehicles
per hour (both directions).
Insofar as the input parameters are concerned, we’ve found from field
studies that the
shoulder widths are 6 feet, the lane widths are 12 feet, and the
directional split is 54% southbound/46% northbound, consistent with the
southbound side of the Styner-Lauder intersection
that serves as the northern border of this corridor. The peak hour factor (PHF)
is set to the HCM-recommended default value of 0.88, the percentage of trucks and buses is 10%, and
there are no recreational vehicles. The base free-flow speed is 60 mph,
the percent no-passing zones is 30% and there is an average of 2 access
points per mile (an access point is a street, a driveway, or a curb cut that is significant in terms of traffic operations.)
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] with Sub-Problem 5a |
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Sub-problem 5a: Existing Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of
U.S. 95
What other factors should be considered? The
service measures for a two-lane highway are dependent on the classification
of the facility. Two-lane highways are categorized primarily on the purpose
they serve in the transportation system. Class I highways are facilities
where speed is an important determinant of the quality of service—motorists
traveling on these facilities have an expectation and desire to travel at
relatively high speeds. For Class II highways, speed is not an important
determinant of the quality of service, and drivers are affected primarily by
the amount of time they spend following other vehicles. The service measures
that define LOS for Class I facilities include both percent time following
and speed. For Class II facilities, LOS is defined solely in terms of
percent time spent following.
What measure should be used to determine the
performance of the facility? Since U.S. 95 is currently a Class I
facility, we will focus on travel speed and percent time following.
Application of the HCM methodology indicates that the average
travel speed is 52.4 mph, it takes 11.5 minutes to traverse the total
10-mile segment, and the percent time spent following is 55.7%. This
translates into a level-of-service "C".
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Sub-Problem 5b |
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Sub-problem 5b: Future
Analysis of 10-Mile
Segment of U.S. 95 With
Direct Recognition of the Hamlet
In sub-problem 5b, we will consider future conditions on U.S. 95 and how
the changing characteristics of the section of two-lane highway that passes
through the hamlet require a
different approach in our analysis.
Consider the following questions as you prepare to undertake
an analysis and evaluation of future conditions along this 10-mile segment of
What can be done to assess the future performance
characteristics of the one-mile section of U.S. 95 that passes through the hamlet? |
 | How can the estimated performance characteristics of
the section of U.S.
95 that is within the hamlet be incorporated into an overall assessment of the
10-mile segment? |
Take a few minutes to
consider these questions. When you are ready, click
continue below to proceed.
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Sub-problem 5b: Future
Analysis of 10-Mile
Segment of U.S. 95 With
Direct Recognition of the Hamlet
Let's discuss each of these issues and how each affects the operational
analysis that we are about to complete.
What can be done to assess the
future performance
characteristics of the one-mile section of U.S. 95 that passes through the hamlet?
As development occurs and the speed limit on the one-mile section of U.S. 95
passing through the hamlet drops toward 35 mph, this section of roadway
will no longer function as or be perceived as a traditional two-lane
highway. Thus, the analysis methodology described in Chapter 20 of the HCM
will no longer be directly applicable. This leaves us with the need to
find an alternative and reasonable analysis procedure.
For purposes of
this discussion, we'll consider three options.
We could still apply the
two-lane highway procedure, knowing that it isn't directly applicable. If we
were to take this approach, then we might have difficulty defending the
analysis and, in any case, would have to make several assumptions
about passing zones, average travel speed, and other inputs. This is not a
desirable option because it relies on an extrapolation of the HCM
methodology into an area it was not designed to serve.
We could apply a microscopic simulation program that has
the capability to model traffic movements on both interrupted and
uninterrupted flow facilities. This would normally be the desired option,
providing that an appropriate microscopic simulation program can be
identified and a sufficient level of expertise, time, and budget are
available to employ it and evaluate the results. For this particular
sub-problem, we are constrained by the available time and resources within
which to conduct the evaluation, so we would prefer to use an
alternative analysis procedure that is less time-intensive.
We could rely on first principles of
traffic flow theory to develop an approach based on intuition, logic, and
the various analysis tools that are readily available to us. In fact, the
conditions and constraints associated with this sub-problem mean that this
is effectively the only option available to us.
Under future conditions, the section of
U.S. 95 that
passes through the hamlet will effectively operate like an urban arterial
segment as described in the HCM, but with segments defined by the unsignalized intersections
instead of signalized intersections. In this case, it is the unsignalized
intersections that
introduce delay to through vehicles on the system. Using a methodology
that is consistent in its logic with the analysis procedure for urban
streets, we might consider using the posted speed to estimate unimpeded
travel time then add to this the
delay that through vehicles can be expected to incur at each unsignalized intersection.
These two values can then be combined into a single overall estimate of
average travel speed on the section of U.S. 95 that passes through the
[ Back ] [ Continue ] with Sub-Problem 5b |
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Sub-problem 5b: Future
Analysis of 10-Mile
Segment of U.S. 95 With
Direct Recognition of the Hamlet
How can the estimated performance characteristics of
the section of U.S.
95 that is within the hamlet be incorporated into an overall assessment of the
10-mile segment? As described on the previous page, we will use two different HCM
procedures to assess the entire section of U.S. 95. We’re going to use the two-lane rural
highway methodology to analyze the 4.5-mile segments north and south of
the hamlet. We’re going to see
what the delays are to the main street through vehicles for the section of
U.S. 95 that passes through the hamlet, add those delays
together, and compute an overall travel time through the hamlet. We’re
then going to combine this time with the times we get for the 4.5-mile
highway segments north and south of the hamlet. From the combined travel
time we can compute an
average travel speed.
For a two-lane highway analysis, level of
service is based on the
percent time spent following (PTSF) other
vehicles. Because our proposed methodology is inconsistent with the
procedures outlined in Chapter 20 of the HCM, we won't be able to
calculate an overall PTSF for the 10-mile section of U.S. 95. This means
we won't be able to translate our analysis into an overall LOS estimate
for the entire section of U.S. 95. Also, as we noted earlier,
this section of U.S. 95 does not function as a two-lane highway. Even so, the capacity
of the hamlet section of U.S. 95 should be consistent with
the estimates provided in Chapters 17 and 20 of the HCM (i.e., about 1,700
vehicles per hour for a single direction or 3,200 vehicles per hour for
both directions). Therefore, a v/c ratio may be reasonably estimated
for each section.
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] with Sub-Problem 5b |
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Sub-problem 5b: Future
Analysis of 10-Mile
Segment of U.S. 95 With
Direct Recognition of the Hamlet
Step 2. Setup
As noted earlier, the analysis stage for this sub-problem
requires that we use a combination of two analysis methodologies to evaluate the
future operational
characteristics of the 10-mile section of U.S. 95. One of these methodologies
employs the procedure described in Chapter 20 of the HCM for a
Class I two-lane
highway facility. The other methodology is based on intuition and logic for the
purpose of estimating a key performance measure (average travel speed) on the
section of U.S. 95 that passes through the hamlet.
Here are some issues to consider as you proceed with the
analysis of the future conditions.
What volumes should be used in the
future conditions analysis? |
What additional assumptions are
necessary for the analysis? |
 | What common measure should be used to determine the
performance of the facility throughout the various sections? |
Take a few minutes to consider these questions. When you are ready to
continue, click continue below to proceed. [ Back ] [ Continue
] with Sub-Problem 5b |
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Sub-problem 5b: Future
Analysis of 10-Mile
Segment of U.S. 95 With
Direct Recognition of the Hamlet
What volumes should
be used in the future conditions analysis?
Since the future conditions do not yet exist in the hamlet, we must project
or forecast the expected traffic conditions, estimate the resulting intersecting volumes, and do
the capacity analysis as outlined previously.
Exhibit 1-44
shows the intersecting volumes that have been projected. For this analysis,
the volumes into and out of each cross street were estimated on the basis of
the types and densities of land uses that each cross street is expected to
What additional assumptions are necessary for the analysis?
Exhibit 1-45
shows the results from analysis of the five unsignalized intersections. You can click
here to see the five datasets. Additional information necessary
to this analysis included assumptions regarding the
peak hour factor, heavy
vehicle percentages, and geometry.
Exhibit 1-45.
Intersection Delays
by Approach and Movement
here for Datasets) |
Intersection |
Delays by Approach
(sec/veh) |
East |
West |
North |
South |
L |
TR |
L |
TR |
#1 (North) |
22.8 |
19.6 |
8.7 |
0.0 |
9.2 |
0.3 |
#2 |
26.4 |
24.3 |
8.9 |
0.1 |
9.2 |
0.4 |
#3 |
32.0 |
25.9 |
9.1 |
0.7 |
9.1 |
0.3 |
#4 |
24.6 |
22.7 |
9.1 |
0.3 |
8.9 |
0.2 |
#5 (South) |
22.9 |
18.6 |
9.0 |
0.2 |
8.8 |
0.1 |
You probably recall
that the HCM unsignalized intersection analysis procedure assumes the Rank
1 through and right-turning movements on the major street don't yield to
any other movements. Why, then, is there a small amount of delay reported
in Exhibit 1-45 for these movements (NB through/right and SB
through/right)? The answer lies in the fact that, on this particular
two-lane highway, no separate lane is provided for vehicles turning left
from the major street onto the minor streets. When no left-turn pocket is
provided on the major street, a delayed left-turn vehicle will
occasionally block the Rank 1 vehicles behind it. The HCM procedure
accounts for this delay to Rank 1 vehicles, as shown in Exhibit 1-45.
the purpose of this sub-problem, we have assumed the default values presented
in Chapter 17 for unsignalized intersections.
In addition to these default values, we used the intersecting volumes
shown in
Exhibit 1-44, a PHF of 0.88, 10% trucks, and
flares of 2, 3, 2, 1,
and 1 vehicle at intersections 1-5 respectively
based on geometric data collected in the field.
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sub-problem 5c |
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1-44. Intersecting Volumes at the Hamlet on U.S. 95

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Sub-problem 5b: Future Analysis of 10-Mile Segment of U.S.
95 With Direct Recognition of the Hamlet
What common measure should be used to determine the
performance of the facility throughout the various sections? As
described in Chapter 28 of the HCM, mean delays can be converted into travel
times to describe the performance of the system. This is what we will do
The main observation in the context of this
analysis is that the delays to the main street (highway traffic) through and
right-turn movements are not substantial. Delay summed across all
intersections totals 2.8 seconds in the northbound direction and 4.8 seconds
in the northbound direction.
Control delay accounts for the time associated
with acceleration and deceleration time, move-up time, and stopped time. If
we assume that the through vehicles are traveling at 35 mph (which implies
103 seconds to traverse the one-mile length of the hamlet), the travel time
northbound will be 105.8 seconds (1.76 minutes) and southbound it will be
107.8 seconds (1.80 minutes), which translates into a travel time of 34.0
and 33.4 mph respectively and an average of 33.7 mph.
The overall travel time is now 12.5 minutes
compared to 12.0 in the hypothetical base case and 13.2 in the earlier
attempt to account for the hamlet. The
average travel
speed is 47.9 mph and
PTSF is 67.7%.
In the previous discussion, we are unable to
provide a LOS estimate for the entire corridor because we are unable to
estimate PTSF for the entire corridor.
Exhibit 1-46. Performance of U.S. 95. Under
Different Conditions |
Condition |
Northern 4.5 Miles |
Hamlet |
Southern 4.5 Miles |
Overall |
Speed (mph) |
Time (min) |
PTSF (%) |
Speed (mph) |
Time (min) |
PTSF (%) |
Speed (mph) |
Time (min) |
PTSF (%) |
Speed (mph) |
Time (min) |
PTSF (%) |
Existing |
48.4 |
5.6 |
72.6 |
48.8 |
1.2 |
100.0 |
52.4 |
5.2 |
55.7 |
50.2 |
12.0 |
67.7 |
48.4 |
5.6 |
72.6 |
24.3 |
2.5 |
100.0 |
52.4 |
5.2 |
55.7 |
45.5 |
13.2 |
67.7 |
Future -
Using Unsignalized Intersection |
48.4 |
5.6 |
72.6 |
33.3 |
1.8 |
100.0 |
52.4 |
5.2 |
55.7 |
47.9 |
12.5 |
67.7 |
[ Back ]
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sub-problem 5c |
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5c: 10-Mile Analysis with a By-Pass
We need to do
one more analysis to complete the problem. We should consider what would
happen if a bypass were constructed. This is clearly more
hypothetical than the foregoing analysis because it is difficult to
say exactly how long the bypass would be. However, it is useful to make
some reasonable assumptions and review the results.
Exhibit 1-43 we assumed that the bypass would be at least a mile away from the
original highway alignment for the entire one-mile stretch of highway that
passes through the hamlet. We assumed that coming southbound the new
alignment would leave the original alignment one mile north of the hamlet,
follow back-to-back 1-mile radius curves turning 45o each, so
that the bypass was one-mile from the hamlet where the hamlet starts. It
would then progress one mile south paralleling the original highway and
then return to the old alignment a mile further south following another
pair of back-to-back 1-mile radius curves turning 45o each. The
result is that the new highway segment will be 11.1 miles long
(11.1=3.5+1.57+1+1.57+3.5) instead of 10. It will be comprised of one 3.5 mile-long
segment having a two-way volume of 1,100 vph, a 4.14 mile-long section with
400 vph, and a 3.6 mile-long segment with 500 vph.
Exhibit 1-47 shows the results. The
average travel speed
with the bypass is higher (50.7 mph versus 47.9) and
PTSF is lower (63.7%
versus 67.7%). However, the overall travel time is slightly longer (13.1
minutes versus 12.5 to pass through the hamlet) due to the additional
1.1 miles involved.
Exhibit 1-47. Comparative Results Using the Unsignalized
Analysis |
Condition |
Northern Section |
Hamlet |
Southern Section |
Overall |
mph |
min |
% |
mph |
min |
% |
mph |
min |
% |
mph |
min |
% |
Existing Conditions |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
52.4 |
11.5 |
55.7 |
Raw Results |
48.4 |
5.6 |
72.6 |
24.3 |
2.5 |
71.6 |
52.4 |
5.2 |
55.7 |
45.5 |
13.2 |
64.9 |
Adjusted Results |
48.4 |
5.6 |
72.6 |
24.3 |
2.5 |
100.0 |
52.4 |
5.2 |
55.7 |
45.5 |
13.2 |
67.7 |
Using Unsignalized |
48.4 |
5.6 |
72.6 |
24.3 |
1.8 |
100.0 |
52.4 |
5.2 |
55.7 |
47.9 |
12.5 |
67.7 |
Bypass |
48.4 |
4.3 |
72.6 |
51.3 |
4.8 |
58.5 |
52.4 |
4.0 |
55.9 |
50.7 |
13.1 |
63.7 |
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sub-problem 5b [ Continue ] to Problem 5
Analysis |
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Problem 5: Analysis
The HCM2000
method for analyzing two-lane highways does not provide much direction for
evaluating segments that pass through small nodes of roadside development.
An intuitively-based approach relying on first principles of traffic flow
theory was used to conclude that the effects of the Hamlet on
through-vehicle speeds and delays is not substantial. In different
situations, of course, an entirely different outcome might occur.
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Problem 5:
What have we learned? We have discovered that the two-lane rural
highway analysis method has some difficulty dealing with hamlets. It has
difficulty both determining the PTSF and the average travel speed. We know
for the hamlet that the PTSF should be 100%. We have over-ridden the
methodology’s estimate of 71.6% and entered 100% in the table. The
method also seems to underestimate the speed. An analysis based around the
TWSC unsignalized intersection analysis procedure leads us to conclude
that the average speed through the hamlet should be about 33.3 mph instead
of 24.3 as predicted by the two-lane rural road methodology. We have also
seen that if we explore an alternate solution strategy of building a
bypass there may be a tradeoff involved. The PTSF improves, as does the
average speed, but the total travel time across the highway segment is a
minute longer due to the extra travel distance involved. Keeping with
the original way that the problem was posed, Idaho Transportation
Department will have to
decide if the extra minute of travel time is a fair tradeoff for the
improved perception of highway performance.
to Problem 6 |