Problem 5 - Page 1 of 3 |
ID# C105001 |
Problem 5: U.S. 95
South of Moscow
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U.S. 95 continues south
out of Moscow bound for Lewiston, ID, 32 miles to the south.
Exhibit 1-42
shows an aerial photograph of about a four-mile stretch of the highway
just south of Moscow. A short length of suburban two-lane arterial leads
quickly to a rural two-lane highway.
The state highway agency would like to evaluate the performance
characteristics of U.S. 95 as a single facility. To help address this
issue, we will explore issues related to the short section of U.S. 95 that acts as a
main street for the somewhat developed area you can see toward the bottom of the
aerial photograph. Currently, the development in this area does not
generate much activity, but trip making is expected to increase over the
next 10 years as the area grows.
estimates are that 10 years from now U.S. 95 south of Moscow will carry
about 1,100 vehicles per hour during the PM peak and about 700 of these
trips will be generated by the development area (400
originating and 300 destined for this
area). Another 300 will be bound toward
Moscow from this area, which we will hereafter refer to as a hamlet. In addition, the
hamlet will generate a total of about 2,000 vehicle trips during the PM peak (the
700 trips mentioned above are included in this figure), 100 of these trips will go to and
from points further south, and the remaining 1,200 trips will be local
within the hamlet.
How will U.S. 95 operate in the future
based on these forecast traffic conditions? Continue to the next
page for additional discussion.
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