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Sub-problem 4b - Page 2 of 6 |
ID# C404B02 |
Sub-problem 4b: Off-Peak Operational Analysis
of Alternate Route 7
We've developed the geometric data previously, as part of
sub-problem 4a. Let's now look at the traffic characteristics and demand
data. From previous studies, the New York State DOT has assembled the
following information on the traffic characteristics using this facility.
The free flow speed on the mainline is 55 mph, while
the ramp speed is 30 mph. |
The average vehicle occupancy is 1.2 persons per
vehicle. |
The traffic stream consists of five percent trucks and
buses and no recreational vehicles. |
 | Since this is a weekday analysis, the driver population
is primarily commuters or other drivers who are familiar with the
facility. |
The demand data is extremely important for this analysis.
And, again note that we use the term demand data or demand volume. While we
typically measure service volumes in the field (the number of vehicles
passing by our observation point during a specified time interval), we need
to make sure that we have the actual number of vehicles desiring to use the
facility, even if there is queuing present. Exhibit 4-66 includes the
demand data for the eastbound portion of Alternate Route 7 for the midday
Exhibit 4-66. Demand for Alternate Route 7 Eastbound
by Location |
Direction |
Freeway segment |
Demand (veh/hr) |
Eastbound |
Beginning of mainline section
On-ramp from I-87 northbound
Off-ramp to U.S. route 9
On-ramp from U.S. route 9
Off-ramp to I-787
On-ramp from frontage road
On-ramp from I-787 northbound
Exiting mainline demand |
3,360 |
Westbound |
Beginning of mainline section
Off-ramp to I-787
On-ramp from I-787 northbound
On-ramp from I-787 southbound
Off-ramp to I-87 northbound
Off-ramp to U.S. route 9
On-ramp from U.S. route 9
Exiting mainline demand |
2,110 |
We also need the ramp-to-ramp weaving volume for the
weaving section defined by the on-ramp from northbound I-87 to the off-ramp
to U.S. Route 9. This demand is 1,625 veh/hr.
When you are ready to learn about the results of this
analysis, proceed to the next page.
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