Sub-problem 2b - Page 1 of 3 |
ID# C102B01 |
Sub-problem 2b:
Analysis of the Signalized Intersection Considering the Effects of Adjacent Intersections
Step 1. Setup
We will now look at the operation of U.S. 95/Styner-Lauder Avenue as a signalized intersection and consider the effects
of the adjacent signalized intersection at Sweet Avenue. Sweet Avenue
is located 1,070 feet to the north of Styner-Lauder Avenue and is the
main southern entrance to the University of Idaho for university students,
staff, and faculty. Vehicles traveling south on U.S. 95 from Sweet
Avenue often arrive in platoons during the peak period. While we
didn't see an effect of platooning on the operation of Styner-Lauder Avenue as a two-way, stop-controlled intersection, there may be an effect if
the operation is controlled by a traffic signal. What is the nature of
this effect?
Take a
few minutes to consider how the traffic signal at Sweet Avenue might affect
the operation of Styner-Lauder Avenue, if the latter intersection
were to be signalized.
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