
Getting Started
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Problem 6
Problem Index

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ID# C1SI001



Getting Started

Problem 1
The state and the city must decide whether a traffic signal will improve the operation of the intersection of U.S. 95/Styner-Lauder Avenue. This problem focuses on the operations of the intersection without consideration of the adjacent intersections.
bullet Sub-Problem 1a - Analysis of the existing TWSC Intersection
bullet Sub-Problem 1b - Analysis of the proposed signalized intersection
bullet Sub-Problem 1c - Analysis of future conditions
Problem 2
Broader context of Problem 1 with consideration for adjacent intersections for U.S. 95/Styner-Lauder Avenue signalized and unsignalized scenarios. This problem addresses operations of the U.S. 95 arterial, touching on timing and coordination issues.


bullet Sub-Problem 2a - Analysis of TWSC on adjacent intersections
bullet Sub-Problem 2b - Analysis of Signalization on adjacent intersections
bullet Sub-Problem 2c - Analysis of the U.S. 95 arterial
bullet Sub-Problem 2d - Effects of a signal on existing coordinated system
Problem 3
The University of Idaho attracts large crowds during special events. This problem addresses the other than typical peak period analyses to address these issues. A microscopic simulation model is used to address intersection operations when demand exceeds capacity.
bullet Sub-Problem 3a - Oversaturated intersection analysis
bullet Sub-Problem 3b - Using a microscopic simulation model
bullet Sub-Problem 3c - Critical movement analysis
Problem 4
Up to this point we have simplified the analysis by assuming the signals were operating on fixed time. This problem will examine the intersections with their existing traffic-actuated signal control. In this problem we will touch on estimating phase lengths, the effects of unit extension, and signal coordination with actuated control.
bullet Sub-Problem 4a - Pretimed control vs. actuated control
bullet Sub-Problem 4b - Effect of unit extension
bullet Sub-Problem 4c - Coordinated operation with actuated control
bullet Sub-Problem 4d - Coordinated operation with left turn protection
bullet Discussion
Problem 5
Problem 5 addresses the operations of a 10-mile segment of U.S. 95 that travels through a hamlet. The first part of the problem will address the segment with Chapter 20 of the Highway Capacity Manual. The second part of the problem will address the 10-mile segment of U.S. 95 with direct recognition of the hamlet, using stop controlled intersection analyses to predict the cumulative delay. The final section of the problem will analyze the potential for a bypass that would avoid the hamlet.
bullet Sub-Problem 5a - Existing analysis of 10-mile segment of U.S. 95
bullet Sub-Problem 5b - Future analysis of 10-mile segment of U.S. 95
bullet Sub-Problem 5c - Feasibility of a bypass around the hamlet
bullet Analysis
Problem 6
Problem 6 provides a 20-year planning level analysis of the various U.S. 95 intersections on the 10-mile segment. The planning analysis will be used in this problem to identify future lane configurations and control scenarios. This approach will identify potential future concerns without dealing with the complexity and uncertainty of the details associated with an operational analysis.
bullet Sub-Problem 6a - Planning Analysis at Palouse River Drive
bullet Sub-Problem 6b - Planning Analysis at Styner-Lauder Avenue
bullet Sub-Problem 6c - Planning Analysis at Sweet Avenue
bullet Sub-Problem 6d - Planning Analysis at SH-8 Intersection
bullet Analysis
bullet Discussion

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