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Sub-problem 6c - Page 2 of 4

ID# C106C02

Sub-problem 6c: Planning Analysis at Sweet Avenue 

The twenty-year projected volumes for this intersection, adjusted for the peak hour factor, are shown in Exhibit 1-52.


Exhibit 1-52. 20-Year Projected Volumes at Sweet Avenue
Approach LT (veh/hr) TH (veh/hr) RT (veh/hr)
Eastbound 354 0 279
Westbound 0 0 0
Northbound 152 643 0
Southbound 0 886 97


This is a T-intersection with no approach for westbound traffic. The northbound movement has the only left turn opposed by through traffic. That movement now has a protected left turn phase. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply the cross product computational step to this sub-problem, because the left-turn treatments have already been determined for all approaches. Instead we must specify the type of protection for each approach.


The choices are:


Permitted: The left turn moves on a solid green but no protected left-turn phase is displayed at any point in the cycle.


Protected: The left turn moves only on a green arrow.


Protected plus permitted: The left turn moves at one point in the sequence on a green arrow and at another point on a solid green, yielding to oncoming traffic.


Not opposed: There is no protected left-turn phase, but the left turn is never opposed at any point in the cycle. This choice applies at T intersections, one-way streets, and intersections with full directional separation (split-phase operation) between opposing movements.


Which treatment will apply to each of the approaches at the U.S. 95/Sweet Avenue intersection? When you are ready, click continue below to proceed.

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