where vi
is the volume for the critical movement in phase i, si
is the saturation flow rate for the critical movement in phase i,
N is the number of phases per cycle, and L is the lost time per
For actuated signals
with dual-ring controllers like the one we portrayed in
Exhibit 2-11, it
helps to expand Equation (1) into three equations. The first one computes
the v/s ratio for sequential pairs of movements to the left
and right of the middle barrier in the A and B rings:
(2) |
pq takes on the values 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, and
7&8 corresponding to the four quadrants of the dual ring pattern.
The second equation
computes the maximum v/s ratio for the left and right halves
of the dual ring pattern:
(3) |
= max((v/s)12,(v/s)56)
and (v/s)R
= max((v/s)34,
(v/s)78) |
The third equation
takes the two results from Equation (3) and computes a minimum cycle length:
(4) |