Problem 6: Route 146 Arterial Study
Problem 6 Printable Version
So far, we’ve looked
only at individual intersections. We’ve ignored the way in which the
intersections interact and the challenge of finding a way to coordinate
the signals.
Exhibit 2-1. Route 146 in Clifton Park |
problem speaks to that issue. We’re going to look at seven intersections
simultaneously: the Shenendehowa Campus entrance, Moe Road, Maxwell Drive,
Clifton Country Road, the I-87 Interchange, Fire Road (the signalized
intersection on the east side of the interchange, Intersection F) and
Route 9 (Intersection G) simultaneously. Refer to Exhibit 2-1 to become familiar with the intersection
locations. [ Back
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Problem 6: Route 146
Arterial Study
During our
analysis, we will focus on the PM peak. We’ve studied that timeframe at
each of the intersections within the case study. Moreover, we’ll focus on
the PM With condition since it has the most traffic. The intersecting
counts and signal timings we’ve obtained will be used as basic inputs to
create a TRANSYT7-F (Version 9.5) simulation dataset. We’re using
TRANSYT7-F because, for signalized networks, it is an analysis tool that
is in common
use today. However, it should be emphasized that TRANSYT7-F is being used
in this case study for illustrative purposes only, and other programs are
available that would serve our purposes equally well.
will exercise TRANSYT7-F in simulation mode to see how it thinks the
network is performing. Finally, the analysis software will optimize the
performance of the network as a coordinated system to see the optimal
signal timings should be.
with Analysis |
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6: Route 146 Arterial Study
Our first challenge is
to create the TRANSYT-7F input dataset. We’re not going to describe all
the details of how to do that here, but we will provide a short
description of what’s involved. Dataset
79 is the actual dataset we created.
First, you
will need to
specify the lane arrangements at the various intersections. Here’s what
we decided was appropriate. The abbreviations should be easy to read, and the
numbers in parentheses, where they appear, imply more than one lane:
Country Road: EBL, EBT(3),EBR,WBL(2),WBT(2),WBR,NBL(2),NBT,NBR,
Road: EBL, EBT(2), WBTR(2), NBLT(2), NBR(2), SBL, SBR
9: EBL(2), EBT(2), EBR, WBL, WBTR, NBL(2), NBTR(2), SBL, SBT(2), SBR
You can revisit the
Exhibit 2-2 (the Route 146 aerial photograph) to see if you agree with
these decisions. For the first four intersections, you can also review the
input datasets. For the I-87 interchange, we only needed to
model the westbound-to-northbound entry ramp, westbound-to-southbound left
turn onto the southbound entry ramp, the southbound-to-westbound exit
ramp, the eastbound-to-southbound entry ramp, and the
southbound-to-eastbound exit ramp to capture the impacts of traffic
enteLevel of Servicend leaving the system. (If you know TRANSYT-7F, you’ll realize
that you can’t model these flows accurately just with the mid-block entry
option.) The geometry of the Fire Road intersection was presented in
Exhibit 2-48.
Exhibit 2-64 contains
the configuration of the Route 146 and Route 9 intersection.
2-65. Route 146 Network Volumes - PM With Conditions |
with Problem 6 |
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Exhibit 2-65. Route
146 Network Volumes - PM With Condition

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Problem 6:
Route 146 Arterial Study
PM Existing and
PM Without
volumes used in the analysis are shown in
Exhibit 2-65.
There are unsignalized
side streets in the network, such as Bruno Road, Tallowood Drive, and the
Municipal Plaza, but the traffic volumes on these roads are not substantial. You’ll
also see the tangential network involving Old NYS 146, Park Avenue, and
Plank Road that we’ve decided to omit from the present analysis. You could
argue that at least the extension of Clifton Country Road north across Old NYS 146 and Park Avenue should be included
because there are times when the queue at Route 146 does back up across the Old NYS
146 intersection.
In this analysis we haven’t done that.
The other information we had to specify
saturation flow rates for each
of the lane groups in the bullet list above
volumes for each of the lane
signal timing plans (these are consistent with the HCM
input datasets)
distances between the
link-to-link relationships for
the way in which the flows cascade through the network from upstream
intersections to downstream intersections
 | minimum phase lengths
opposing links for
the permitted lefts and the right turns that can move when there is no
competing traffic, as at Clifton Country Road northbound |
to Findings |
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6: Route 146 Arterial Study
first run involved simulating the network using the signal timings
developed in the HCM analyses. Complete datasets for the two main runs we performed
are available for T7F1
and T7F2
signal timings.
The output datasets for each of these runs are in Dataset
81 and Dataset
82, respectively. Except for Maxwell Drive, the timings we
developed in the HCM were adequate. Exhibit 2-68 shows a comparison among
three sets of timings for the network. The first are the timings we
obtained from the HCM analysis. The second are timings we hand-generated
in TRANSYT7-F to get acceptable v/c ratios for all of the lane groups. The
third are the timings developed by TRANSYT-7F when it optimized
coordinated operation across the network.
Exhibit 2-68. Route 146 Network Signal Timings from Three Sources
Phase |
Shen |
Moe |
Maxwell |
Fire Road |
Route 9 |
T7F1 |
T7F2 |
T7F1 |
T7F2 |
T7F1 |
T7F2 |
T7F1 |
T7F2 |
T7F1 |
T7F2 |
T7F1 |
T7F2 |
1 |
29 |
31 |
77 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
4 |
10 |
16 |
6 |
6 |
5 |
- |
41 |
60 |
- |
23 |
16 |
2 |
7 |
7 |
5 |
22 |
22 |
77 |
29 |
28 |
46 |
14 |
14 |
15 |
- |
14 |
3 |
- |
36 |
19 |
3 |
10 |
8 |
16 |
14 |
14 |
16 |
11 |
21 |
28 |
27 |
27 |
31 |
- |
26 |
30 |
- |
39 |
22 |
4 |
20 |
21 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
2 |
6 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
- |
3 |
3 |
- |
5 |
7 |
5 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
20 |
20 |
21 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
26 |
15 |
6 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
22 |
15 |
T7F1: Hand-adjustment to
HCM results, uncoordinated simulation
T7F2: T7F-9 optimal timings at 110-second cycle length |
As you can see, at the
Shen entrance, we didn’t need to adjust the signal timings very much
to get acceptable performance from TRANSYT-7F at that intersection. The
same is true at Moe Road and Clifton Country Road. Only at Maxwell
Drive, and only for Phases 1 and 3 (the left-turn phases), that we needed
to adjust the signal timings (substantially) in TRANSYT-7F to get
acceptable v/c ratios.
The third green times
(T7F2) are the values developed by TRANSYT-7F in optimizing the
coordinated performance of the network. To give you a sense of the
performance improvement provided with the T7F1 signal timings, the
network had 300 vehicle-hours of delay (out of 455 total vehicle-hours of
travel), while in the optimized scenario (T7F2), there were 282
vehicle-hours of delay (8% less) out of 436 vehicle hours of travel. The
original signal timings were already fairly well matched to the traffic
One important point to
note about the analysis pertains to the westbound-to-southbound left turn
at the I-87 interchange. We specifically included the I-87 interchange as
a node in the network so we could look at the performance of this
movement. In the T7F1 run, this movement had a degree of saturation of 145%,
well above the 95% that TRANSYT-7F sets as an upper limit. We saw this as
a significant problem and determined that some action would have to be
taken to mitigate the long delays that occur there.
It is
interesting to note that in the T7F2 solution, that problem has been
rectified. TRANSYT-7F found a way to coordinate the signals at Clifton
Country Road and Fire Road so the left turn can have a degree of
saturation equal to 101%. This is not as good as the 95% that’s desirable,
but it is much better than the 145% we had in the first case.
to Discussion |
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Problem 6: Route 146 Arterial Study
There are several important points to make
based on this problem. The first is that HCM analyses prepared us quite
well for the network analysis. TRANSYT-7F was able to improve the
performance of the system (delay-wise) by only about 8%, when it optimized the
signal timings. In terms of assessing the performance of
these intersections, we learned a lot from the HCM analyses that
helped prepare us for the TRANSYT-7F investigation.
The second observation
is that the way the HCM treats these intersections is very similar to the
way they are treated in TRANSYT-7F. The two analytical methods expect
very similar inputs, treat the problem in similar ways, and produce
similar outputs. If you review the Help screens and text in
TRANSYT-7F, you will find numerous references to the HCM. This indicates a significant consistency between these two tools,
providing some
assurance that findings obtained from the HCM will be similar to those from
TRANSYT-7F, and vice versa.
The one major
difference between the HCM and TRANSYT-7F is that the capacities of the saturation flow rates are derived by the HCM, whereas they are
inputs in the case of TRANSYT-7F. Oftentimes, it helps to do the HCM
analyses first and get credible saturation flow rates for the various lane
groups before starting a TRANSYT-7F analysis. That will increase
the consistency of the results you obtain.
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