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Introduction - Page 2 of 4

ID# C5IN002


Exhibit 5-2. Exclusive Bike Lanes along Museum Road

Exhibit 5-3. Typical Pedestrian Activity

The case study area is located near the center of a university campus with about 46,000 students. Museum Road, currently a two-lane roadway with left-turn bays at the intersections, is designed for campus traffic with a 20-mph speed limit and significant pedestrian, bicycle, and bus activity. Exclusive bicycle lanes are provided in both directions.

The four intersections of interest within the limits of the analysis area currently include two traffic-actuated signals, one pretimed signal and a two-way, stop-controlled (TWSC) intersection, with no signal coordination along this urban street. The intersections are closely spaced, about 500 feet between three intersections and about 1,000 feet to the fourth, with very active bus stops near all signalized intersections. Peaking characteristics are also unique, in that pedestrian, bicycle, and bus activity peaks between student classes (several times each weekday). Vehicular traffic tends to peak at the usual morning, noon and afternoon times due to employee work schedules.

Recent studies have provided weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour turning movement counts and projected turning movement estimates, which take into account trips associated with the new parking facility. Signal phasing and current timing data, as well as pedestrian and bus stop information, were also compiled as part of this recent work.

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