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Problem 3

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Problem 3: Signal Timing Analysis of Rietz Union Drive/Museum Road

In Problem 2 we explored signalization of the Rietz Union Drive/Museum Road intersection with development of the parking garage, including various phasing plans and cycle length mitigations to reduce both vehicular and pedestrian delay. 

Several assumptions were made regarding the signal timing parameters at the intersection which simplified our analysis. In this sub-problem, we will further explore those assumptions and the effect that changes to these parameters have on the intersection performance.

We will also explore the extent that a local jurisdiction's operational  requirements have on the actual performance of an intersection. In this instance, we will explore the effect of various signal timing parameters on volume to capacity ratio and how this relates to signal timing within the signal controller.

In this problem, consider the following issues as you work through the computations for the three sub-problems:

bulletWhat is the effect of coordinated operations at an intersection?
bulletWhat does a corridor with a low volume to capacity ratio look like in the field and how does various detector timing parameters affect the operations? What does this look like in the field?
bulletWhat are the various ways to optimally distribute green time at an intersection?
bulletWhat is the effect on other users of the signalized intersection (pedestrians, transit, etc)?

This problem illustrates some of the important elements regarding the differences between HCM operations analysis methodologies and results and field operations. The problem is separated into three sub-problems:

Sub-problem 3a: Actuated Signal Detection and Signal Timing
Sub-problem 3b: Software Analysis Techniques and Implications of Calculation Techniques on v/c ratio
Sub-problem 3c: Effects of Pedestrians on Signal Timing, Pedestrian Delay

Consider what it means for a movement to operate at a volume to capacity ratio of 0.80 in terms of intersection efficiency. What might a volume to capacity ratio of 0.80 look like in the field? Consider this question. When you are ready to continue, click the link below to proceed.


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