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Problem 4 - Page 4 of 6

ID# C204004

Problem 4: Clifton Country Road 

Analysis Plans
As we illustrate the traffic impact assessment, we will explore a number of issues at this intersection, as Exhibit 2-3 indicated in the introduction. The intersection lends itself to consideration of time periods, relationships among HCM methodologies, consideration of times to use other tools, interpretation of results, etc. As we found with the Moe Road analysis, lane utilization will again be important in the context of the AM Existing conditions. In addition, we’re going to talk about general modeling issues such as lane groups, lost time, time periods to analyze, and chapter relationships. We'll also focus on the AM Existing condition and look at lane utilization, coordination, and lane grouping. For the PM Existing condition we will examine queue spillback, right-turns-on-red, and demand versus volume.  Finally, we’ll look at the PM With condition and analyze our assumptions about future conditions, geometric changes, and feedback.

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