Problem 4 - Page 3 of 6 |
ID# C204003 |
4: Clifton Country Road
Base Case Phasing and Volumes
The signal control is
fully-actuated. Exhibit 2-38 shows the phasing. Phases 1-3 are for the
east-west flows. The first phase is often skipped because the eastbound
left turning volumes are small. Phases 4-5 are for the north-south
movements except that Phase 4 has a protected green for the eastbound
Exhibit 2-38. Clifton Country Road Signal Phasing |
Exhibit 2-39. Clifton
Country Road Intersection Volumes for Existing AM & PM Peak Hours |
The intersecting
volumes are generally high.
Exhibit 2-39 shows the AM and PM peak hour flows for the base case. No standing
queues exist at the end of the peak hour. The largest volumes are on the
eastbound and westbound approaches. The
westbound through volume is generally the largest, as I-87 generates a lot
of traffic. The eastbound through is also quite large due to traffic
going toward I-87. The
volumes on the north and southbound approaches are relatively small in the
AM peak hour and much larger in the PM peak hour.
This is because of the shopping center-related traffic.