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Problem 1 - Page 1 of 1

ID# C301001

Problem 1: Determination of Facility Types for Analysis

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There are ten signalized intersections along the 33-mile section of Krome Avenue shown in Exhibit 3-2. Exclusive left-turn lanes are provided at each signalized intersection in both the northbound and southbound directions, except at Avocado Drive and at Tamiami Trail. The spacing between signals varies significantly throughout the route, starting at greater than ten miles in the north end and decreasing steadily to about one mile at the south end. So we are clearly dealing with a two-lane rural roadway at the north end and a signalized arterial at the south end. This suggests that at least two separate facilities must be identified for analysis purposes, because different HCM procedures apply to signalized arterials and two lane rural roads.

There are three sub-problems to be considered here, each of which asks a specific question:

Sub-problem 1a: At what point does Krome Avenue change from a two-lane highway to a signalized arterial?

Sub-problem 1b: What Class should be assigned to each of the facilities that are identified?

Sub-problem 1c: What, if any, conditions exist at the controlled intersections that could impact the analyses?

Each of these sub-problems will be discussed separately in this problem.

Before beginning the analysis of Krome Avenue, make sure you understand the following key issues:


Why are we analyzing Krome Avenue?


What is the regional significance of Krome Avenue?


What is the regional significance of roadways intersecting Krome Avenue?


Based on the map of the area provided in Exhibit 3-1, where do you think traffic that is using Krome Avenue is going to/coming from?

Take a few minutes to consider these questions.  When you are ready to continue, click continue below to proceed.

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