
Getting Started
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3
Problem 4
Problem 5
Problem 6
Problem Index

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Getting Started

Problem 1:
In Problem 1 we will address the facility type for this two-lane highway. This problem will set the stage for analysis in the proceeding problems by identifying the geometric and volumetric characteristics of this roadway.

Sub-problem 1a: At what point does Krome Avenue change from a two-lane highway to a signalized arterial?
Sub-problem 1b: What Class should be assigned to each of the facilities that are identified?
Sub-problem 1c: What conditions exist at the controlled intersections that could impact the analyses?

Problem 2:
In Problem 2 we will be performing a planning level analysis of the sections of Krome Avenue. This analysis will identify the proper usage of the service volume tables and discuss the typical conditions assumed by this analysis. This analysis will be used to gain perspective on the issues that will need to be addressed at Krome Avenue.


Sub-problem 2a: Planning level analysis of the north section of Krome Avenue as a Class I Two-lane Highway.

Sub-problem 2b: Planning level analysis of the center section of Krome Avenue as a Class I or II Two-lane Highway.

Sub-problem 2c: Planning level analysis of the south section of Krome Avenue as a Class I Signalized Arterial.

Problem 3:
In Problem 3 we will perform a full procedural analysis of Krome Avenue using Chapters 15 and 20 from the HCM 2000 to identify the LOS for each of the sections.

Sub-problem 3a: Analysis of the north section (Class I Two-lane Highway)
Sub-problem 3b: Analysis of the center section (Class I or II Two-lane Highway)
Sub-problem 3c: Analysis of the south section (Class I Signalized Arterial)

Problem 4:
Problem 4 will analyze the stop-controlled Krome Avenue/Okeechobee Road intersection. Due to the separation of conflict points at this intersection, the analysis procedures implemented will be carefully examined.

Sub-problem 4a: We will examine the capacity of the critical minor street movement (the northbound left turn), using the graphical solution presented in the HCM, without going through the full procedure.
Sub-problem 4b:
We will invoke the full HCM procedure, treating the operation as a conventional stop-controlled intersection and ignoring the unusual separation between the conflict points.
Sub-problem 4c:
We will separate the conflict points for stop-control and treat each conflict point individually.
Sub-problem 4d: We will consider the question of how best to analyze the capacity of the northbound right turn, which is well removed from the intersection operation by channelization.

Problem 5:
In problem 5 we will examine issues related to signalization of the Okeechobee Road intersection to identify mitigation measures to increase the capacity of the critical northbound left turn. This problem will analyze operations of the various signal control configurations.

Sub-problem 5a: Operational analysis of the Okeechobee Road intersection with two-phase traffic signal control.

Sub-problem 5b: Operational analysis of the Okeechobee Road intersection adding a protected left turn.

Sub-problem 5c: Operational analysis comparison of the Okeechobee Road intersection with pre-timed and. traffic-actuated control.

Problem 6:
Problems 5 and 6 in this case study assumed that the intersection of Krome Avenue and Okeechobee Road would retain the form of a conventional at-grade intersection. This final Problem examines the alternative intersection configurations of a roundabout and a grade-separated flyover.

Sub-problem 6a: Consideration of conversion to a roundabout, using the analysis procedures suggested in HCM Chapter 17.
Sub-problem 6b:
Consideration of installing of a grade-separated flyover.