Problem 3: Basic Freeway Sections
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This problem is focused on the complex of interchanges
located on the eastern end of Alternate Route 7. The main emphasis is on the
interchange between Route 7 and I-787.
Exhibit 4-39 contains a
diagrammatic picture of the interchange complex on the eastern end of
Alternate Route 7. As can be seen, the Route-7/I-787 interchange is basically
a cloverleaf with one semi-direct ramp. Originally, the plan was to have
I-787 continue eastward, through Troy, and overlap the Route-7 alignment to
the Vermont border. The idea was squelched when it became clear that the
freeway alignment through Troy would involve taking many homes and
effectively closing Hoosick Street, a major arterial.
with Table 1 in the introduction, Exhibit 4-39 also shows the locations where
specific analyses will be focused:
Westbound weave on Route-7 as it crosses the
Hudson River.
Eastbound weave on Route-7 as it crosses the
Hudson River.
Northbound weave on I-787 between the 23rd
street interchange and the Route 7 interchange
weave on I-787 between the 23rd street interchange and the
7 interchange
Northbound weave on I-787 between the loop
diverge on Route 7 that leads to both the right-hand ramp to I-787 and the
auxiliary lane that connects to the loop ramps to and from I-787
Southbound merge between the right-hand ramp
coming from Route 7 east and the semi-direct loop ramp coming from Route 7
Southbound merge between the combined ramp
from G above and I-787 south.
Westbound merge between Route 7 and the loop
ramp coming from I-787 north.
Westbound merge between Route 7 and the
right-hand ramp coming from I-787 south.
Eastbound merge between the auxiliary
eastbound lane on Route 7 and the loop ramp coming from I-787 southbound.
Eastbound diverge involving the auxiliary
eastbound lane on Route 7 and the loop ramp leading to I-787 northbound.
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2-1. Eastern Interchange
Complex |
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Problem 3: Basic Freeway Sections
Exhibit 4-40
contains an aerial photograph of the I-787 interchange. You can see the
three loop ramps, the four right-hand ramps, and the semi-direct ramp
leading from Route 7 westbound to I-787 southbound. You can also see the
auxiliary lane on the south side of eastbound lanes that starts with the
right-hand ramps extends through the two loop ramps and then reunites with
the eastbound lanes just east of the east-to-north loop ramp. The figure
also shows the short northbound weaving section under the Route 7 bridges and the tight radius that is part of the right-hand ramp leading from
Route 7
eastbound to I-787 southbound.

Exhibit 4-40.
Aerial Photograph of the I-787 Interchange [
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Problem 3: Basic Freeway Section
Exhibit 4-41 shows a view of Route 7 at location F looking
eastbound toward Troy. You can see the beginning of the auxiliary lane that
leads to the right-hand ramp and the loop ramps. In the background, you can
see the signs for the loop ramp to I-787 north and the merge sign for the
place where the auxiliary lane rejoins Route 7 east.
4-42 shows a view of location G where the right-hand ramp from Route 7 east
to I-787 south merges with the semi-direct ramp coming from Route 7 west. You
can see the semi-direct ramp from Route 7 east to the left of the vehicle
ahead and you can tell that the two single lane ramps are about to merge not
far downstream.
Exhibit 4-41.
View of Route 7 looking east at Location F |
Exhibit 4-42. Ramp from Route 7 East
to I-787 South at Location G |
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Problem 3: Basic Freeway Sections
Exhibit 4-43 shows a view of Location C looking north, just
before the double-lane right-hand ramp leaves to head toward Route 7 east. You
can see the two lanes of I-787 that continue north under the railroad bridge
and then Route 7. You can also see the signs for Route 7 east on the right
(leading toward Troy) and Route 7 west (leading toward Saratoga Springs).
The truck in the distance at the front of the platoon traveling north on
I-787 is at the beginning of the weaving section designated as Location E in
Exhibit 4-39.
Exhibit 4-44 shows a view of
Route 7 west just at the end of the weaving section designated as Location A
in Exhibit
4-39. You can see the beginning of the semi-direct ramp leading from
7 west toward I-787 south. Just beyond the view in the picture is the point
where the right-hand ramp to I-787 north branches off to the right. You can
also see cars on Route 7 east and, if you study the photo very carefully, cars
on the auxiliary lane that connects to the loop ramps to and from I-787. The
loop ramp associated with Location I can just barely be seen in the
distance, behind the sign with the two downward arrows between the car and
the truck.
Exhibit 4-43. View of I-787 North at Location C just before the two right hand lanes
diverge onto Route 7 east |
Exhibit 4-44. View of Route 7 looking west at the western end of Location A |
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Problem 3: Basic Freeway Sections
Exhibit 4-45
shows a view of Location E looking north taken from a location that
is about halfway through the weaving section at Location E. The sign to
Route 7 west can be seen at the right-hand edge of the picture. The bridge
immediately overhead is Route 7. The bridge in the background is the
semi-direct ramp leading from Route 7 westbound to I-787 southbound. The merge
sign in the distance at the left-hand edge of the picture is associated with
the location where the right-hand ramp from Route 7 west merges with I-787
Exhibit 4-46 shows a view
looking east at Location L. The left-hand lane is the auxiliary lane that
goes from Location F on the western end to a point just beyond
Location L. To the left in the picture you can see the place where
the auxiliary lane rejoins Route 7 east. The right-hand lane is simultaneously
the end of the south-to-east loop ramp going from I-787 south to Route 7 east
and the beginning of the east-to-north loop ramp going from Route 7 east to
I-787 north. You can see the start of the east-to-north loop ramp in the
right-hand side of the picture. In the distance, you can see the spot where
the right-hand ramp from I-787 to Route 7 joins Route 7, which is also the start
of the weaving section at Location B.
Exhibit 4-45. View of I-787 North at Location E just
before the loop ramp diverges to go toward Route 7 west |
Exhibit 4-46. View of Route 7 at Location L looking east |
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Segment A and
Step 1. Setup
This sub-problem focuses on the six weaving sections in the Route 7/I-787
interchange. In
4-39, they
are at locations A, B, C, D, E, and between locations K and L. We’ll study
each of these, to some degree. As you proceed through
this sub-problem, think about:
 | What are some
of the elements to consider when studying a weave section? |
 | How do we
determine the Level of Service for weave sections? |
a few minutes to consider these questions. Click continue when you are
ready to proceed.
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
When you’re studying a
weaving section, it is important to consider 1) type of weave, 2) weaving
length, 3) distribution of flows within the weave, 4) speeds of the weaving
and non-weaving movements, 5) peak hour factor, 6) percentages of trucks,
buses, and recreational vehicles, and 7) passenger car equivalents for each
of these.
Weaving sections are
type A, B, or C, depending on how many lane changes are required for the
weaving movements. Page 13-13 in the HCM 2000 tells you how these weaving
types are defined. A Type A weave involves at least one lane change for both
weaving movements. If two freeways both enter and exit a weave, to get from
one to the other, at least one lane change is required. In a Type B weave,
one of the two weaving movements doesn’t have to change lanes and the other
changes only one lane. In a Type C weave, one of the two weaving streams has
to shift at least two lanes.
Another necessary fact
is whether or not the weave is constrained. In general, vehicles have
difficulty changing from one lane to another in a constrained weave;
whereas, in an unconstrained one, they don’t. The same analysis must be
conducted for both weaves to determine which condition pertains. That will
be determined by the number of lanes required for the weave. The minimum
number required for unconstrained operation varies by type of weave. For
Type A weaves, 1.41 lanes are required. Consequently, if the formula says
more than 1.41 lanes are required for the weave, the weave is constrained.
For weaving sections,
level of service is determined by what the formulas predict is the density
of vehicles (passenger cars per mile per lane, or pcpmpl). The formula
requires the volumes in weaving traffic streams, the number of lanes in the
weaving section, and the speeds for the weaving and non-weaving vehicles.
You can read Chapter 13 in the HCM for a more complete discussion about how
this performance measure is defined for weaving sections. The breakpoints
for LOS are the same as for basic freeway sections.
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Step 2. Results
Weaving Segments A & B
The weaving sections at A and B may be the easiest to analyze, so we’ll
study them simultaneously. Each is four lanes wide and approximately 3,100 feet
and 2,600 feet in length, respectively. The entering and exiting facilities
are both two lanes wide. Each weaving section is Type A, because the weaving
vehicles on the upstream facility must make at least one lane change to
complete the weave.
The field data upon
which the methodology is based suggests that the weaving and non-weaving
speeds are different from one another. To compute the weaving and
non-weaving speeds, we need to do two calculations using equation 24-2 in
the HCM 2000 to determine the average speed of the weaving, Sw and non-weaving
vehicles, Snw.
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
As the weaving and
non-weaving vehicle speed equation shows,
these speeds depend on weaving and non-weaving intensity factors that
measure the influence of the movements on the overall speed. The calculations
of the weaving and non-weaving intensity factors, Ww and Wnw,
respectively, use equation 24-4 in the HCM 2000.
The values for the
various constants depend on the type of operation within the facility
(constrained or unconstrained). These values were derived from a
multi-variable, non-linear regression analysis of field data.
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
The results of the
calculations are show in Exhibit 4-47. The calculations suggest that both of
these weaving sections have adequate levels of service in the AM and PM
Exhibit 4-47. Weave Analysis Results A & B |
Weaving Segment |
Peak Period |
Ww |
Wnw |
mph |
mph |
mph |
Density pcpmpl |
Type of Operation |
A |
AM |
1.11 |
0.18 |
41.07 |
61.59 |
49.03 |
16.63 |
B |
Constrained |
A |
PM |
0.66 |
0.09 |
48.06 |
65.38 |
54.91 |
8.53 |
A |
Constrained |
B |
AM |
0.71 |
0.09 |
47.25 |
65.25 |
55.95 |
10.02 |
B |
Constrained |
B |
PM |
0.92 |
0.14 |
43.69 |
63.38 |
52.07 |
13.48 |
B |
Constrained |
Before concluding that
these facilities are operating acceptably, we should note that the weaving sections are longer
than the distances that the HCM 2000 methodologies were designed to address. The HCM
2000 says that if the weaving section is longer
than 2,500 feet, it should be analyzed as a combination of an on-ramp and an
off- ramp, which we did in Sub-problem 2b. For this problem, however, we
analyze them if they were only 2,500 feet long, so we’re not outside the
range for which the HCM is intended. That produces the results shown in
Exhibit 4-47.
Notice that the
weaving and non-weaving intensity factors, Ww and Wnw
are higher when the volumes are higher. That means they’re higher in the AM
peak for Location A and in the PM peak for Location B. This increases the
densities and produces a lower level of service.
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Another thing to note
is that the operation of these weaves is constrained, even though they are
long and the LOS are A and B. For Type A weaves, the weave has to be
possible within an effective width of 1.4 lanes or the weave is constrained.
In all four cases examined in Exhibit 4-47, the required number
of lanes has been determined to be higher than 1.4 lanes.
The effective length
of the weaving section is another important thing to note. There is a signal
at the end of weaving section B, where the PM peak traffic is heavy
enough that the length of the double-lane queue often extends across the bridge.
So, weaving vehicles can’t take advantage of the length of the bridge to
make their lane changes. If motorists going north on I-787 wants to join the
back of that queue, they must make a lane change before the end of
queue is reached.
This raises an
important question: what length of weaving section is required to have a
reasonable level of service? If we know that value, we can determine if it
is shorter than the length of the weaving section beyond the length of the
queue at the signal.
Our analysis found
that the weaving section required for an acceptable LOS is less than the distance that
remains behind queue, therefore, the performance of the weave should be
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Weaving Segment
Location C is the next
place to study. The inbound facilities are I-787 northbound (3 lanes) and the 23rd
Street northbound on-ramp (one lane). The outbound facilities are I-787 northbound
(two lanes) and the Route 7 eastbound off-ramp (two lanes). This is a Type C
weave, because traffic from the 23rd street on-ramp has to shift
left at least two lanes to reach I-787 north. The on-ramp becomes the outer
lane of the Route 7 east off-ramp, and the third lane on I-787 becomes the
inner lane of the exit ramp. The weaving section is about 1,000 feet long.
This weaving section
shows how the distribution of flow among weaving and non-weaving movements
can affect the facility’s performance. The PM peak hour volumes are larger,
so we’ll use them for the analysis.
The PM peak hour
volumes for the traffic entering and exiting the weave are shown in Exhibit
4-48. Please note our
data don’t include the distribution of flows through the weaving segment.
This is common. It’s hard to get the actual weaving volumes in the field.
You have to track many individual vehicles through the facility to get an
accurate sense of the distribution of the flows (i.e., AC, AD, BC, and BD,
in Exhibit 4-49.) Because of
the hours required for this process, it is common to have to estimate these
volumes and then conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the validity of
these estimates.
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4-48. Weave C PM peak hour
volumes |
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Exhibit 4-49. Scenario 1 weaving diagram
Exhibit 4-50. Scenario 2 weaving diagram
Exhibit 4-51. Scenario 3 weaving diagram
In this situation, we
can test the sensitivity of the results to the estimate we make about the
weaving movement volumes and show some common assumptions that are made in
such situations using three scenarios.
In the first
scenario, we assume that all the 23rd street on-ramp traffic goes
to I-787 north. This maximizes the weaving volumes. The weaving diagram for
this scenario is shown in Exhibit 4-49.
For the second
scenario, we’ll assume that the inbound flows go to the outbound legs
proportional to the exiting volumes. Since the volumes at C and D are 3,992
and 1,013, respectively, 77% of the exiting traffic from both of the
entering flows will go to C and 23% will go to D. This means the flow from A
to C is 3,075 veh/hr (77% of 3,992) and the flow from A to D is 920 veh/hr
(23% of 3,992). It also means the flow from B to C is 315 veh/hr and the
flow from B to D is 95 veh/hr. The resulting weaving diagram is shown in Exhibit
For the third
scenario, we assume a larger percentage going to D from B, namely 40%. This
reduces the amount of traffic from A going to D. Thus, the weaving traffic
decreases and the non-weaving traffic increases. The weaving diagram for
this scenario is shown in Exhibit 4-51.
4-52 presents the results for these three scenarios You can see
that the density is greatest in Scenario 1, where the weaving volumes are
the largest. The density is lower in Scenario 2, where only 77% of the
vehicles getting on at B are assumed to go to C; and it’s the lowest in
Scenario 3, where 40% of the flow from B goes to D. As the weaving volumes
get smaller, the density should decrease.
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Exhibit 4-52. Flow Distribution Analysis Results |
Scenario |
Ww |
Wnw |
Sw mph |
Snw mph |
S mph |
Density pcpmpl |
Operation of Type |
1 |
0.7 |
0.42 |
47.35 |
53.79 |
51.53 |
24.21 |
C |
Unconstrained |
2 |
0.65 |
0.34 |
48.35 |
55.94 |
53.58 |
23.29 |
C |
Unconstrained |
3 |
0.61 |
0.3 |
49.1 |
57.46 |
55.13 |
22.62 |
C |
Unconstrained |
In all three
scenarios, we find that the LOS is C. Apparently, the LOS isn’t very
sensitive to the distribution of volumes among the four weaving movements.
This indicates that the assumption we make about the weaving volumes
will likely work. It also means that if the distribution changes from day to day,
as it probably does, the facility’s performance will likely remain at LOS C.
This insensitivity
will not always exist. As the overall volumes in the weaving segment
increase, the effect of these variations in the flow distribution will
become more significant.
Variations in the
weaving movement distributions have an affect on the weaving and non-weaving
speeds. As the weaving movements decrease and the non-weaving movements
increase, both the weaving and non-weaving speeds increase. As the weaving
volumes are reduced, there is a decrease in the conflicts that arise in the
segment, allowing the speeds to increase. Therefore, the overall speed in
the weave should also be expected to increase and the density should
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Weaving Segment
The weaving segment at location E is three lanes wide and a Type A weave. It
is located on I-787 north between the on-ramp from Route 7 east and the
off-ramp to Route 7 west. It has a relatively short weaving length (790
feet) and heavy PM peak hour volumes.
In this case, the
weaving movement volumes (AB, AC, BC, and BD) are easy to determine, because
very few if any of the vehicles coming from the on-ramp will want to go to
the off-ramp. We can assume the volume from the on-ramp to the off-ramp will
be zero. That means all of the on-ramp traffic goes to I-787 north and all
of the off-ramp volume comes from I-787 north.
To complete the data
inputs, we’re going to assume 1) that the free flow speed on the freeway is
55 mph, 2) the speed on the on- and off-ramps is 25 mph, and 3) the peak
hour factor is 1.0. The latter assumption means the volumes will be
identical for all four 15-minute periods during the peak hour for all four
weaving movements.
The volume ratio (VR)
in the AM and PM peaks exceeds 0.45, indicating the weaving volumes are more
than 45% of the total volume. This indicates that most of the traffic coming
from I-787 north goes to Route 7 west. None of the traffic from the on-ramp
goes to the off-ramp. It all goes to I-787 north. The HCM cautions to not trust
the HCM predictions if the volume ratio exceeds this value. So it is
important to look closely at the results we get.
We’ll examine both the
AM and PM peaks. The results are shown in Exhibit 4-53 . As you might expect, the
LOS for the PM peak is much worse than
the AM peak, because the PM volumes are twice the AM volumes. In fact, the HCM predicts LOS is F in the PM
Exhibit 4-53. AM and PM
Peak Hour Analysis Results for Weave E |
Weave |
Period |
Ww |
Wnw |
Sw mph |
Snw mph |
S mph |
Density pcpmpl |
Operation of Type |
E |
AM |
2.15 |
0.32 |
29.31 |
49.16 |
35.15 |
15.85 |
B |
Constrained |
E |
PM |
4.61 |
0.88 |
23.02 |
38.97 |
27.87 |
44.99 |
F |
Constrained |
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Traffic from the
on-ramp interferes with the traffic trying to get from I-787 to the
off-ramp, which slows the flow rates on I-787 down substantially. The
weaving speeds become low and the operation of the weaving section becomes
We can now return to
the peak hour factor assumption and see how it affects the LOS prediction.
We will also consider the effects of the free flow speed assumption. We will
use the PM peak hour for the tests, varying the peak hour factor from 0.8 to
1.0 and the free flow speed from 55 mph and 65 mph.
Exhibit 4-55. Density
versus PHF for Two Speeds
The results of
these analyses are presented in Exhibit 4-54. Although the level of service changes only in the last
case, an examination of the densities and speeds shows that the peak hour
factor and free flow speed assumptions are important. As the peak hour
factor increases, the density of traffic in the weaving segment decreases
and the speeds increase. As the free flow speed increases, the densities
decrease and the speeds increase. These trends are illustrated in Exhibit
Exhibit 4-54. Location E, PM Peak Hour PHF and Free Flow
Speed Sensitivity Analysis |
Weave |
mph |
Ww |
Wnw |
mph |
mph |
mph |
Density pcpmpl |
Operation of Type |
E |
0.80 |
55 |
5.73 |
1.17 |
21.69 |
35.71 |
26.04 |
60.21 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.85 |
55 |
5.40 |
1.08 |
22.03 |
36.59 |
26.52 |
55.64 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.90 |
55 |
5.11 |
1.01 |
22.36 |
37.3 |
26.99 |
51.63 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.95 |
55 |
4.85 |
0.94 |
22.69 |
38.21 |
27.43 |
48.14 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
1.00 |
55 |
4.61 |
0.88 |
23.02 |
38.97 |
27.87 |
44.99 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.80 |
65 |
5.73 |
1.17 |
23.17 |
40.31 |
28.29 |
55.42 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.85 |
65 |
5.40 |
1.08 |
23.59 |
41.39 |
28.87 |
51.10 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.90 |
65 |
5.11 |
1.01 |
24.00 |
42.41 |
29.44 |
47.33 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
0.95 |
65 |
4.85 |
0.94 |
24.40 |
43.37 |
29.98 |
44.05 |
F |
Constrained |
E |
1.00 |
65 |
4.61 |
0.88 |
24.80 |
44.29 |
30.51 |
41.10 |
E |
Constrained |
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
A peak hour factor of
1.0 and a free flow speed of 65 mph are required to get the weave to LOS E.
Also note that the highest density is 50% greater than the lowest. The
compound effect of changing these two parameters is substantial. Moreover,
the effect of the peak hour factor is more substantial than the speed.
Dropping the speed from 65 to 55, when the PHF is 1.0, raises the density
from 41.1 pcpmpl to 45. The change in speed is about 17%, while the change
in PHF is 20%; but the percentage changes in the density measure are far
Considering the poor
operation of this facility, it would be interesting to know if different
geometric conditions produced different results. We will consider the length
of the weave and the number of lanes in the weaving section.
The existing weave is
790 feet long. To explore the impact of changing that length, we will
perform additional analyses for lengths of 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet. We will
again use the HCM maximum of 2,500 feet for the length of a weaving segment.
The results of each of these analyses are shown in Exhibit 4-56. They show that a
minor increase in the weaving length (approximately 200 feet) will improve
the LOS from F to E. To reach LOS D, the weaving section would have to be
almost double its present length, or 1,500 feet.
Exhibit 4-56. Effects of Weave Length at Location E |
Weave Length |
Ww |
Wnw |
mph |
mph |
mph |
Density pcpmpl |
Operation of Type |
790 |
4.61 |
0.88 |
23.02 |
38.97 |
27.87 |
44.99 |
F |
Constrained |
1,000 |
3.83 |
0.74 |
24.32 |
40.91 |
29.39 |
42.67 |
E |
Constrained |
1,500 |
2.77 |
0.54 |
26.94 |
44.15 |
32.30 |
38.82 |
E |
Constrained |
2,000 |
2.20 |
0.44 |
29.07 |
46.29 |
34.54 |
36.31 |
E |
Constrained |
2,500 |
1.84 |
0.37 |
30.85 |
47.83 |
36.34 |
34.51 |
D |
Constrained |
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Sub-problem 3a: Weaving Analysis
Just upstream, on
I-787NB, there is a two-lane off- ramp, which acts as a lane drop. We
examined the idea of maintaining that third lane through the weaving
segment, having the effect of adding a lane. The analysis results are
presented in Exhibit 4-57.
Exhibit 4-57. Effects of Lane Addition at Location E |
# of Lanes |
Ww |
Wnw |
mph |
mph |
mph |
pcpmpl |
Operation type |
3 |
4.61 |
0.88 |
23.02 |
38.97 |
27.87 |
44.99 |
F |
Constrained |
4 |
3.49 |
0.6 |
25.02 |
43.06 |
30.45 |
30.89 |
D |
Constrained |
You can see that the
impacts of the lane addition are significant. The LOS improves from F to D.
If the lane addition also increases the free flow speed on the freeway, that
would further improve the LOS to C.
The weave at location
E has shown the importance of considering multiple time periods, the effects
of the free flow speed and peak hour factors, and the importance of
geometric design in a weaving segment.
Weaving Segment D
The weaving movements at D are complex. There is an upstream merge on the
on-ramp and a lane drop in the middle of the weaving section. As a result,
this weaving segment will be thoroughly examined in Sub-problem 2c.
Segment M
The weaving movements at Location M are also not traditional. The
location is a collector/distributor road located on the south side of Route
7. There is single through lane with an additional lane between the
I-787SB/Route 7EB on-ramp and the Route 7EB/I-787NB off-ramp. This section
will be discussed in detail in Sub-problem 2d.
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3b |
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Sub-problem 3b:
Step 1. Setup
This sub-problem focuses on some basic issues in ramp
analysis. As you already know, the ramps not the intersecting freeways or
the arterials create the most common capacity constraints at interchanges.
Ramps that work well are crucial to good performance at an interchange, so
they demand considerable attention during construction, reconstruction, or
Since this case study focuses on the analysis of freeways,
considerable attention has been devoted to ramp-related issues.
Ramp-related topics are discussed in Problem 2 Sub-problems 3b, 3c, and 3d.
In this sub-problem, we deal with ramp issues that are relatively simple. In
sub-problems 3c and 3d, we address more complex problems, involving
situations that don’t follow a standard for a ramp analysis.
Sub-problem 3a also focuses on ramp-related issues. The
discussion about the weaving section for Location E starts with the end of
the ramp from Route 7 east to I-787 north and ends with the beginning of
the ramp from I-787 north to Route 7 west. So weaving sections are sometimes
part of a ramp analysis.
Deciding what analyses to do for a given ramp takes some
Since the HCM doesn’t provide a single point of contact to
deal with the total spectrum of ramp related analyses,
You might need as many as four methodologies to completely analyze
a set of ramps at a given interchange: weaving sections, merge and diverge
locations, unsignalized intersections, and signalized intersections.
Every ramp has
three sections: a beginning, middle, and end or terminus. If you study all
three, you have completely studied the ramp. We need to discuss how you
analyze each of these sections and how the HCM ramp chapter fits in.
Consider the following questions:
What analyses might be applied in this problem? |
 | What are some of the unique attributes of this analysis
that need to be addressed? |
a few minutes to consider these questions. Click continue when you are
ready to proceed.
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Sub-problem 3b |
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
The HCM’s ramps chapter focuses on three aspects of ramp analysis: merge
points, diverge points, and the intervening roadway. Below are examples of
the methodologies needed based on the characteristics of the ramp area.
If a ramp starts with a diverge that isn’t at the end of a weaving section
(e.g., a freeway exit ramp), passes through a middle section, and ends with
a merge (e.g., a freeway on-ramp), you need the methodologies in the ramps
However, if you have a signalized or unsignalized intersection at one end or
the other, or if one of the two ends is part of a weaving section, then you
will use the methodologies in weaving section chapters.
If the ramp starts as the outbound leg of a signalized or unsignalized
intersection (e.g., a roundabout), then you need to use the signalized or
unsignalized analysis procedure.
If the ramp ends as a merge (e.g., an entrance ramp, either onto a freeway
or a surface arterial) and it’s not the start of a weaving section, then you
need to use the ramps methodology.
If it is the start of a weaving section, you need to use the weaving
If it’s an approach to a signalized or unsignalized intersection, you need
to use the signalized or unsignalized analysis procedures as appropriate.
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
Sometimes the configuration of the ramps is simple, as might be the case at
a standard diamond or cloverleaf interchange. In a cloverleaf, for example,
you’d typically have four diverges where the right-hand ramps start, four
merges where they end, and four weaving sections between the merge and
diverge points for the left-hand loop ramps. Hence, your set of ramp
analyses for the interchange would involve twelve studies: four analyses for
the merges; four for the diverges; and four for the weaving sections.
In the interchange at I-787, the
ramps are interlaced and a collector-distributor provides the starting and
ending points for three ramps. A vehicle traveling westbound on Route 7
encounters the diverge of the left-hand and right-hand ramps to I-787, which
split shortly thereafter. The vehicle then has a merge with the loop ramp
from I-787 north and the merge with the ramp from I-787 south. Traveling
east on Route 7, there is the diverge of the collector-distributor road and
then its merge back into the mainline. The collector-distributor provides
the starting point for the right-hand ramp to I-787 south, the merge with
the loop ramp from I-787 south, and the starting point for the loop ramp to
I-787 north. At the end is the merge with the right hand ramp from I-787
north. The right-hand ramp leading from Route 7 east to I-787, once it
diverges from the collector-distributor road, merges with the
semi-direct ramp
from Route 7 west merging with I-787 south.
In this sub-problem,
we’re going to do a capacity analysis on the roadways that make up the ramps
and two merge analyses. These two analyses demonstrate how to study the
ramps at an interchange.
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
Checking the Ramps
The middle section of the ramp is a roadway that looks like a small, basic
freeway section of one or more lanes. This section usually doesn’t cause
capacity problems, but there could be if the curve radii are small or there
are changes in the number of lanes. It’s important to analyze the ramp to
assure it functions properly.
We need to check the
various short sections of ramp roadway within the interchange to assure they
all have enough capacity to handle the traffic they have to carry. This is
done by checking that there are enough lanes that are straight enough (i.e.,
have sufficient radii) that the geometry won’t interfere with the capacity.
Exhibit 4-58
contains the AM and PM peak hour ramp volumes for each of the ramps. It also
contains the ramp speeds, the HCM suggested capacities, and the calculated
v/c ratios.
4-58. Operational Analysis of the Route 7/I-787 Ramps |
Location |
# of
Lanes |
mph |
Volume |
Capacities |
v/c |
AM |
PM |
AM |
PM |
Route 7 EB to
I-787 SB |
1 |
30 |
1,865 |
785 |
1,900 |
0.982 |
0.414 |
Route 7 EB to
I-787 NB |
1 |
25 |
155 |
300 |
1,900 |
0.082 |
0.157 |
Route 7 WB to
I-787 SB |
1 |
40 |
1,420 |
745 |
2,000 |
0.711 |
0.371 |
Route 7 WB to
I-787 NB |
1 |
40 |
125 |
225 |
2,000 |
0.063 |
0.114 |
I-787 SB to
Route 7 WB |
1 |
35 |
340 |
290 |
2,000 |
0.171 |
0.146 |
I-787 SB to
Route 7 EB |
1 |
25 |
180 |
150 |
1,900 |
0.095 |
0.079 |
I-787 NB to
Route 7 WB |
1 |
25 |
715 |
1,870 |
1,900 |
0.376 |
0.984 |
I-787 NB to
Route 7 EB |
2 |
45 |
550 |
1,015 |
4,100 |
0.134 |
0.247 |
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
The HCM approximate
capacities of ramp roadways come from Exhibit 25-3 in the HCM. The
capacities are a function of the number of lanes on the ramp and the ramp
free-flow speed.
The v/c ratios
suggest that two of the ramps are close to capacity during a specific time
of the day. The Route 7 EB/I-787 SB ramp is near capacity during the AM peak
hour. Observations concur with methodology’s predictions. The
characteristics of that ramp’s operation will be discussed in detail in
sub-problem 3c.
The I-787 NB/Route
7 WB ramp is near capacity in the PM peak hour. We discovered two problems
with this ramp. One relates to the weaving section, as we found in analyzing
Location E in sub-problem 3a. The other relates to this new finding. In
sub-problem 3a, we demonstrated that the I-787 NB flows created LOS F in the
weaving section leading to this ramp. This ramp will be analyzed further in
this sub-problem when we proceed with the merging analysis.
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
Merging Analysis
order to address the merge issues, we'll focus on two merge situations.
The analysis of a
merging (or diverging) location involves several things:
the concept of an influence area (i.e., where the merge occurs - the
entering ramp and the two adjacent lanes on the freeway) |
the notion of an upstream ramp and a downstream ramp (either on- or
off-ramp) |
the concept that there may be a test for facility failure (i.e., LOS F)
that is different from having the LOS metric density in the
influence area exceed a particular threshold |
The HCM procedure
focuses on an area about 1,500 feet long, including the acceleration or
deceleration lanes, and one or two freeway lanes.
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
Locations I and J
Our merging analyses focus on locations I and J. Location I involves a
single lane on-ramp and a 2-lane freeway. This is a typical situation. The
acceleration lane is about a tenth of a mile long and the ramp has a free
flow speed of 25 mph.
Location J is about
3-tenths of a mile further downstream. The free flow speed on the ramp is 35
mph. It has a single lane, right-hand on-ramp and a 2-lane freeway, but the
on-ramp never ends, making it different from a typical merge location. The
on-ramp continues on as a third lane. To study it as a merge, we will do a
parametric analysis and vary the length of the effective on-ramp to see what
LOS we might expect. The HCM also suggests that we do an analysis of the
approach leg and departing freeway capacities. These analyses can be done
using the HCM suggested capacities provided in Exhibits 24-3 and 24-7.
We know from capacity
analyses in the previous section that the v/c ratio is 0.98 for the I-787
NB/Route 7 WB ramp (Location I) and 0.15 for the I-787 SB/Route 7 WB ramp
(Location J) in the PM peak hour. So we may find that the merge at Location
I is problematic, while the one at J is not.
Exhibit 4-59.
PM peak hour analysis results at Locations I and J |
Location |
pcpmpl |
I |
216 |
C |
Location J |
v/c |
On-ramp |
0.34 |
Arriving Freeway |
0.54 |
Departing Freeway |
0.46 |
The analysis results,
for the merges at Locations I & J, during the PM peak hour are shown in
Exhibit 4-59. What we see is that
the merge at Location I is operating at a LOS C. This suggests that although
the performance of the ramp itself may be poor (v/c=0.98), the merge is able
to accommodate the traffic. At Location J the capacity analysis indicates
the merge is well under capacity.
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
Let’s look at a couple
of different geometric variations that could be implemented to improve
performance at this location. The first is a set of finite lengths of the
acceleration lane at Location J, assuming the geometry of the merge at
Location I is unchanged. We need to establish the acceleration lane length
needed to obtain LOS A. The second set of analyses will support the idea of
an extended acceleration lane for Location I and the merge that occurs at
Location J ties into that lane.
Exhibit 4-60. Location J-Results of Acceleration
Lane Length Variations |
ft |
pcpmpl |
1,000 |
21.7 |
C |
1,500 |
18.6 |
B |
3,000 |
9.2 |
A |
For the first set of
analyses, we know that changing the acceleration length at Location J should
not affect the analyses procedure for the merge at Location I. Therefore the
operation of the merge at Location I will remain a LOS C. Initially, we can
do the analysis at Location J, using the volume/capacity comparisons for the
lanes entering and exiting the influence area. For the purposes of these
analyses, we will start with an acceleration lane length of 1,000 feet and
increase this value until we reach a LOS A. The analysis results of varied
acceleration lane lengths are shown in Exhibit 4-60. It is clear that as the
acceleration lane length is increased, the LOS improves. Furthermore, the
analyses show that if the acceleration lane length is set at 3,000 feet, a
LOS of A results. Since the actual acceleration lane extends much further
than 3,000 feet, the merge can be said to be operating at LOS A.
For the second set of
analyses, we will extend the length of the acceleration lane for the merge
at Location I to 500, 1,500, and 2,500 feet. Note that the merge at Location
I occurs approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Location I. To maintain the
same freeway lane configuration at J when the acceleration lane at Location
I exceeds 1,500 feet, we need to assume that the on-ramp becomes the third
lane. That means we will also need to reconfigure the acceleration lane
length for the ramp at Location J.
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
Therefore, the analyses at Location I will be done with LA
increasing from 500 to 1,500 feet, while at Location J, LA will
remain at 3,000 feet (previously defined as LOS A). When the LA
at Location I is greater than 1,500 feet, we’ll assume that the on-ramp at I
continues as the third freeway lane and that length of the on-ramp at
Location J will be reduced. The results of these analyses are shown in
Exhibit 4-61. The extension
of the LA at Location I improves the LOS for the merge. When the
LA at Location J is at a minimum length (250 feet), it performs
at a LOS B. Further analyses show that to reach LOS A, the LA at
Location J would need to be at least 1,650 feet.
Exhibit 4-61. Variation of the Acceleration Lane
Lengths at Both Locations I & J |
LA at I
ft |
LA at J
ft |
Density at I
pcpmpl |
LOS at I |
Density at J
pcpmpl |
LOS at J |
500 |
3,000 |
21.8 |
C |
9.2 |
A |
1,500 |
3,000 |
15.5 |
B |
9.2 |
A |
2,500 |
250 |
9.2 |
A |
18 |
B |
2,500 |
1,650 |
9.2 |
A |
10 |
A |
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Sub-problem 3b: Ramps
What did we learn from this sub-problem? First, we learned what is involved
in analyzing a ramp and where to find the methodologies you need. They’re
not in one place but distributed among four HCM chapters: ramps, weaving
sections, unsignalized intersections, and signalized intersections. We
demonstrated a way to determine which methods you need to use when.
Second, we looked at
the issue of checking the capacity of the ramp roadways themselves. We used
the v/c ratio analysis technique in the ramps chapter of the HCM and
determined that two of the ramps in the interchange are at or near capacity.
Ideally, their curve radii should be larger or more lanes should be present.
Third, we studied the
two merges that occur on Route 7 going westbound. The first is associated
with the loop ramp coming from I-787 north. The second is related to the
right-hand ramp coming from I-787 south. We noticed that the second ramp is
difficult to analyze because the acceleration lane never ends.
It continues on as a third lane on the freeway. We determined how to analyze
the level of service with this in mind. We found that both ramps are
adequate. We lengthened the acceleration lane on the first ramp to determine
how to achieve LOS A, which also meant lengthening the ramp until it
overlapped with the second on-ramp. We also discussed how the lane
configuration might have to change for the second ramp and the repercussions
from making those changes. We found that the pair of ramps could be made to
work well, and the length of the ramp had an impact on performance.
Sub-problems 3c and 3d
look at more complicated situations to show how complex ramp geometries
should be handled.
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3c |
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
One of the most
interesting spots to study in the I-787 interchange is the southwestern
quadrant, where the ramps are all non-standard:
the diverge from Route 7 eastbound |
the split into a collector/distributor road |
the right-hand ramp from Route 7 eastbound to I-787 southbound
the semi-direct ramp from Route 7 westbound to I-787 southbound |
the merger of these two ramps with each other and with I-787 southbound |
There are many issues
regarding these ramps, but we will focus on only the connections between
Route 7 eastbound and I-787 southbound and Route 7 westbound and I-787
a few minutes to consider the layout of these ramps. When you are ready, click
continue below to proceed.
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Sub-problem 3c |
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
Step 1. Setup
The semi-direct ramp
from Route 7 WB to I-787 SB starts at the west end of the bridge across the
Hudson. (See the discussion about the weaving movement at Location B in
Sub-problem 3a.) The two lanes from the weaving movement at Location B
diverge to the north then swing south in a large-radius, counterclockwise
curve. Within a tenth of a mile, a new lane is added on the right that
becomes the right-hand exit ramp to I-787 north. The original two lanes
continue, merging into one lane, passing underneath Route 7, and merging
with both I-787 south and the right-hand ramp coming from Route 7 east. The
speed on the semi-direct ramp is 40 mph.
The connection from
Route 7 EB to I-787 SB starts with the right-hand exit ramp on Route 7 EB. No
deceleration lane is provided. The exit is immediate, like a slip lane.
About 150 feet further, the single lane expands to two. The new lane, added
on the left, becomes the collector/distributor road while the old lane,
continuing straight ahead, veers to the right and becomes the right-hand
ramp leading to I-787 SB. The curve on the ramp is sharp and is limited to 30
mph. Another 1,580 feet later, the ramp begins paralleling the semi-direct
ramp from Route 7WB. The two continue side-by-side for about another 1580
feet before they merge. After the merge, they continue southbound for
another 400 feet then merge with I-787 SB.
During the AM peak
hour, the ramp from Route 7 EB to I-787 SB often produces a queue stretching
half-way back to I-87. In Sub-problem 3b, we found that the section of
roadway on the ramp from Route 7 EB to I-787 SB is at or near capacity. See
Exhibit 4-58. To learn more
about why this ramp might be a problem, we start the analysis by studying
the diverge from Route 7EB and move south through the complex toward the
I-787 SB merge.
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Sub-problem 3c |
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
Route 7 Eastbound
Note two
things about the initial diverge from Route 7EB: 1) There’s no deceleration
lane. The exit ramp leaves Route 7 as soon as it appears. This means that for the ramp
analysis, we need to set the length of the deceleration lane at zero. 2)
Since the exit ramp leads to the collector/distributor road, we need to
include the traffic taking the loop ramp to I-787 north as well as the
traffic taking the right-hand ramp to I-787 south. This will considerably
affect the performance prediction. When we include both flows, the influence
area for the ramp has a density of 32.8pc/mi/ln, which is LOS D. Although
this poor level of service could be producing the queues on Route 7 EB during
the AM peak hour, there may be another problem somewhere.
The Short
a short, 150-foot long single-lane ramp between Route 7 east and the
beginning of the lane for the collector/distributor road. An analysis of
this roadway segment will tell us if this might be the bottleneck. We’ll
compare the volume it handles with the capacity it ought to have per the
HCM. The exiting volume is 2,020 veh/hr, while the suggested capacity for a
single-lane ramp is 2,000 veh/hr; so the v/c ratio is 1.01. This segment is
a likely source of the congestion. Once the second lane is added for the
collector/distributor road, the congestion eases. Now we have double the
capacity for the same volume; however, the density doesn’t drop by half,
because the lane distribution isn’t even. About 155 veh/hr are in the
left-hand lane, because they’re going to the collector-distributor road, and
1,865 veh/hr are in the right-hand lane, because they’re going to I-787
south. The v/c ratios by lane are 0.077 and 0.923, respectively. So the
congestion is eased, but the v/c ratio isn’t cut in half. The right-hand
ramp after it diverges from the collector-distributor road might have a
higher v/c ratio, since it has a sharp curvature and a low speed limit.
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
The Right-Hand Ramp
The volume on the right-hand ramp is 1,865 veh/hr in the AM peak. The HCM
says capacity for a single lane ramp with a free flow speed of 30 mph should
be 1,900 veh/hr; so the v/c ratio is 0.98, which is higher than the 0.923 we
found for the short, two-lane connector. Therefore, the ramp will have
poorer performance than the two-lane section of the short connector but
won’t have a v/c ratio greater than the 1.0 for the single lane section. A
v/c ratio this close to 1.0, combined with the high v/c ratio on the short
connector, that are causing the queues on Route 7 EB.
Additional Capacity
The previous analyses showed that the v/c ratios on the short connector and
the Route 7 EB/I-787 SB right-hand ramp were very close to 1.0. We will
analyze two more ramps and three basic freeway sections to determine if they
might also be contributing to congested operation. The ramps are 1) the
single lane ramp from Route 7 WB to I-787 SB and 2) the combined (Route 7 EB/I-787 SB,
7 WB/I-787 SB) ramp after these two separate ramps merge. The
three freeway sections are 1) the segment of I-787 SB upstream of the
on-ramp, 2) the four lane section of I-787 at the point where the ramps
join, and 3) the three lane section of I-787 just downstream of the lane
The Route 7 WB/I-787
SB ramp sees relatively low volumes during its peak hour – 1,420 veh/hr - in
the AM peak. The ramp free flow speed is 40 mph, so the capacity is 2,090
veh/hr and the v/c ratio is 0.68, indicating the ramp’s operation is not
congested. At the point were the Route 7 WB and Route 7 EB ramps join, the
total peak hour volume is 3,285 (AM peak again). The HCM suggests this
two-lane, 40 mph section of ramp should have a capacity of 4,100 veh/hr,
which means the v/c ratio should be 0.80. Congestion should not be an issue
For the I-787 SB
basic freeway section just before the merge, the free flow speed is 65 mph
and the AM peak hour volume is 2,005 veh/hr. The HCM analysis of this basic
freeway section says the density should be 15.7 pc/mi/ln, which is LOS B.
Therefore, prior to the point where the combined ramps merge with the
freeway, the operation is adequate.
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
At the point of the
merge, we have a 4-lane basic freeway section with a free flow speed of 65
mph and a volume of 5,290 veh/hr. This produces a density of 20.8pc/mi/ln,
which is LOS C. A similar analysis can be done further downstream, after the
lane drop has occurred, where the density is 28.1 pc/mi/ln and the LOS is D.
Here the freeway is more congested, as the traffic from the ramps is added
and the number of lanes is reduced. Overall, the operation is still within
an acceptable range for an urban freeway.
Where Route 7 ramps
join I-787 south is a double-lane on-ramp. The volume on the ramp is the
total of the traffic from the two sources, and the outside lane on the ramp
ends 790 feet downstream of the merge. The remaining ramp continues on as a
new, third freeway lane, similar to the issue that arose with the right-hand
ramp from I-787 south to Route 7 west.
The HCM ramp procedure
asks us to specify lengths for both the first and second acceleration lane.
The first ramp ends 790 feet downstream of the initial merge, but the second
lane doesn’t end, so we need to assume a long arbitrary distance. In
Sub-problem 3b, the LOS for a
merge is based on the density of the influence area.
This LOS assignment is
subject to two conditions. 1) The HCM defines 4,600 veh/hr as the maximum
number of vehicles per hour that can enter the influence area. If the volume
entering the influence area is greater than 4,600 veh/hr, the merge is
considered to be at LOS F. 2) The second condition restricts the volume
exiting the influence area to be the appropriate merge capacity values from
Exhibit 25-7 of the HCM. This creates inappropriate results when assuming a
length for a lane which does not end. If we assume the number of lanes
exiting the influence area is reduced by one, the capacity is reduced as
well. This can cause a merge analysis to produce an inaccurate LOS F. If a
large value is assumed for the acceleration lane length, the density
produced by a merge analysis is a product of a regression equation that
depends on the acceleration lane length. The resulting equation could
misrepresent the actual densities that occur in the influence area by
misconstruing the influence area itself.
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
In the first analysis,
we’re going to set the length of the first lane to 790 feet and the length
of the second to 4,000 feet. This produces an influence area density of
3.9 pcpmpl. The long second
acceleration lane reduces the density significantly. Where the merge starts
and the combined facility is four lanes wide, our basic freeway section
analysis indicated the density should be 20.8pc/mi/ln, compared to 3.9
Although the density
of 3.9 pc/mi/ln implies LOS A, the methodology predicts LOS F; because the
combined volume from the ramps and the freeway (5,400 veh/hr) produce an
influx into the influence area, which is more than the 4,600 veh/hr allowed.
Therefore, the merge has a LOS F.
Our analysis also
indicates that the merge does not meet the second condition—volume exiting
the influence area. The analysis includes a comparison of this volume (5,400 veh/hr) to a capacity for a 2-lane freeway section with a free flow speed of
65 mph (4,700 veh/hr). That comparison produces a merge failure, but the
results could be incorrect. The true results should include a comparison of
volume exiting the influence area (5,400 veh/hr) to a capacity for a 3-lane
freeway section (7,050 veh/hr). This comparison shows that the merge does
meet this capacity restraint.
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
I-787 Southbound Weave
A Type B weave exists in the section of I-787 that starts where the Route 7
ramps join I-787 and ends where the 23rd Street off-ramp starts,
because the traffic from the Route 7 ramps doesn’t need to change lanes to
continue southbound on I-787. The I-787SB traffic does make one at least one
lane change to exit at 23rd Street.
There are three lanes
in the weave once the merge has occurred and before the 23rd
Street exit ramp starts.
Exhibit 4-61. Weaving Diagram for
Weave D AM Peak Hour Volumes |
Exhibit 4-61 shows the flows through the weave. Most of the traffic from the
ramps crosses over to I-787 southbound. Only 165 veh/hr go to the 23rd Street off-ramp. One
hundred of the vehicles from I-787 southbound go to the 23rd
Street off-ramp. The rest continue south.
The starting point of
the weave is ambiguous. The striping at the north end of the weave tries to
keep the weave from starting until the lane drop occurs. Field conditions
should tell us where the weave starts. It could start as early as where the
two-lane ramp joins I-787. It could start as late as where the lane drop
occurs and the three-lane section starts. The start varies with the traffic
conditions. The heavier the traffic, the earlier the weave starts.
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
We will look at both
conditions. We’ll begin by assuming that the weaving section starts
where the three-lane section begins, which is the shortest it can be at
1,055 feet. We will also assume it starts at the initial merge, making it
1,850 feet.
Exhibit 4-62. LOS Variance with Weave Length |
Length of Weave ft |
pcpmpl |
Type of Operation |
1,055 |
47.94 |
F |
Unconstrained |
1,850 |
43.51 |
F |
Unconstrained |
2,000 |
42.29 |
E |
Unconstrained |
The results of these
two analyses are shown in Exhibit 4-62. We see that both analyses predict the weaving section is at LOS
F. This is because of the high weaving volumes in combination with the short
weaving distances. As the weave length increases, the densities decrease,
and the LOS nominally improves, although it stays at LOS F. To improve the
LOS, we would have to increase the weaving length to something greater than
the maximum presently allowed. As Exhibit 4-62 shows, at 2,000 feet, the LOS
becomes E with a density of 42.29 pcpmpl.
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Sub-problem 3c:
Southwestern Quadrant
This sub-problem shows that we can use engineering judgment in
combination with the HCM capacities for single and multi-lane ramp sections
to determine where problem spots might exist in the interchange. It also
shows us how we can look at a given spot from a number of different
perspectives to determine how the facility is performing. When we analyzed
the section of I-787 south of the merge as a three-lane basic freeway
section, we predicted LOS C. When we assumed it was a weaving section, we
predicted LOS F. Since the worst case governs, the conclusion we have to
reach is that the weaving section is LOS F.
We also see the
attention to detail that is required to identify bottlenecks. We looked at
each of the ramp roadway sections individually to determine that the queue
on Route 7 eastbound is caused by the restrictive capacity of the short
single lane ramp section beyond the Route 7 exit. It has a v/c ratio of
1.01. There’s another short section of ramp, between the diverge from the
collector-distributor and the merge with the semi-direct ramp, where the v/c
ratio is again nearly 1.0. We determined that the cascading impacts of these
two constrictions, in terms of flow dynamics, produce the queues on Route 7.
In summary, there is
more than one way to view a given situation. Different views are possible,
producing different results. Our responsibility as traffic engineers is to
identify these views, study the system from each, and portray the results
clearly and concisely to decide what recommendations to make regarding
facility enhancements.
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Sub-problem 3d:
Collector/Distributor Road
Step 1. Setup
This sub-problem deals
with the short, single-lane collector/distributor road that connects to two
ramps: the I-787 southbound to Route 7 eastbound loop ramp at its end and
the Route 7 eastbound to I-787 northbound loop ramp at its beginning. With
the exception of the AM peak hour, the volumes on these facilities are not
large. So the focus of this sub-problem is not on the high volumes or
congested conditions but on the complexities of performing the analysis. The
collector-distributor doesn’t fit any standard facility type, yet it needs
to be analyzed. We can use it to give you some ideas about how such
facilities can be studied.
how you might analyze this collector/distributor roadway using the
methodologies presented in the HCM 2000. When you are ready, click continue
to proceed.
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Sub-problem 3d:
Collector/Distributor Road
Studying the
Walk through the configuration to become familiar with it. The
collector-distributor (C-D) connects to Route 7 eastbound as a single lane
exit without a deceleration lane. It continues as a single lane for
approximately 250 feet and a new lane is added on the left-hand side. The
new left-hand lane becomes the continuation of the C-D road, which means the
C-D traffic has to jog left one lane, while the original lane continues
ahead to become the start of the right-hand ramp leading to I-787 SB. These
two lanes parallel each other for about 1,000 feet until the right-hand lane
turns toward I-787 SB south. The left-hand lane, the C-D road, continues
on for 1,800 feet until it joins with the I-787 SB/Route 7 EB loop ramp. The
one lane C-D road and the one lane loop ramp now become a two-lane facility.
These two lanes continue across a bridge for about 260 feet until the
right-hand lane becomes the beginning of the loop ramp to I-787 NB. We have a
small weaving section that starts with the end of the loop ramp from I-787 SB
and ends with the beginning of the loop ramp to I-787 NB. After the loop ramp
to I-787 NB turns off to the right, the C-D road continues on another 300
feet where it rejoins Route 7 EB.
What to Study
We’ve already studied the exit from Route 7 EB, the short,
single-lane roadway between that point and the spot where the second lane is
added, the short double lane section, and the right-hand ramp to I-787
south. In this sub-problem, we are going to focus on the weaving section.
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Sub-problem 3d:
Collector/Distributor Road
The difficulty with
the weaving analysis is that there’s only one lane on the freeway, the C-D
road. The weave is Type A: each of the weaving movements requires a lane
change. All of the traffic coming from the I-787 SB loop ramp goes to Route
7 EB, and all the traffic going to the I-787 NB loop ramp comes from Route7
What do we do about
the freeway that is only one lane wide? We will do a weaving analysis,
assuming the C-D road is two lanes wide. We assumed the weaving section was 264 feet
long with a free flow speed of 40 mph. The weave is Type A and the B-D
volume is zero.
The results of this
analysis are presented in Exhibit 4-61. The density is only 5.02 pc/mi/ln,
the LOS is A, the operation is unconstrained, and the weaving and
non-weaving speeds are about 33-35 mph. The number of lanes required (Nw
= 1.18) is less than the number needed for unconstrained operation (1.4).
Note the result of Nw = 1.18, which is not that much greater than
1.0. This shows that although we were assuming that the C-D road was two
lanes wide, and the weaving section three lanes wide, only 1.18 lanes were
required for the weaving movements to be unconstrained. The remaining 0.82
lanes were available for any non-weaving traffic using the C-D road as an
alternative to the mainline lanes for Route 7 EB.
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Sub-problem 3d:
Collector/Distributor Road
So what lessons have we learned from the analysis? First, we encountered
another situation where the highway geometrics are non-standard from the
perspective of the HCM; so we need to determine how the situation should be
analyzed. Second, a weaving analysis is possible and appropriate between the
loop ramps, provided more-than-normal care is taken in examining and
interpreting the results of the analysis. Third, the computed number of
lanes required for an unconstrained weave needs to be compared with the
number of lanes available, realizing that the non-weaving movements are
effectively zero. This means that if the weaving movements are acceptable,
the entire weaving section is also acceptable.
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