University of Florida administration must make critical decisions with
regard to any mitigating work to be done as a result of the new parking
structure. They have to weigh this situation with a multitude of others
from budget and resource perspectives to establish this among their
priorities and constraints. |
Pedestrian-bicycle advocates have already succeeded in getting other
campus streets closed to vehicular traffic. This group will continue to
raise the awareness of the pedestrian and bicyclist to ensure they are
considered when making plans and decisions that focus on vehicular
efficiency, as well as keeping safety in the forefront of these
deliberations. |
Public transit interests in the community are very strong and extend into
the bus activity within the campus. Ridership among students and
university employees (who ride free) is very high, with many depending
on this mode to get them to and from class and work. |
Students and employees as motorists need mobility and access to campus
facilities and parking. Although parking is very limited on campus, what
is in place is virtually always at capacity, requiring a roadway network
to accommodate this (mostly employee) traffic affecting Museum Road.
Campus police have continuing concerns about enforcement of pedestrian
rights and obligations, which include uncontrolled pedestrian activity
between intersections, outside of crosswalks, and even against pedestrian