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Getting Started
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Getting Started - Page 3 of 7

ID# C5GS003

Getting Started

Goals and Objectives
The driving force behind this study is to provide sufficient information, detailed analyses, and quantitative results to those responsible for deciding the best solution to mitigate the impacts of this new parking structure on Museum Road. Developing alternatives analyses using the HCM to compute performance measures such as capacity, delay, queuing effects, etc., will assist them in making decisions on intersection control, signal timing and coordination, lane configuration improvements, and pedestrian, bicycle and transit operations and safety.

We should also point out that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is commonly used to determine if a signal is warranted, and in most jurisdictions is the legal document used to determine many of the characteristics of a design. However, it is also useful to compare the forecasted operations of an intersection under different control scenarios. The Highway Capacity Manual provides the tools for such an operational analysis.

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