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Getting Started - Page 4 of 7 |
ID# C5GS004 |
Performance Measures
The Highway Capacity
Manual provides several performance measures for intersections, both
signalized and unsignalized. For both types of intersections, the primary
measure of effectiveness is
control delay. Control delay is directly related to level of service
(LOS), a range of levels that categorize performance from the point of view
of the driver, or the user of the highway system. Level of service (along
queue length, and other performance measures) will be used to help
determine if the intersection of Museum Road and Reitz Union Drive should be
changed from stop sign control to signal control.
We must complete
several computations to gather the required information on the
performance of Museum Road under both stop sign and signal control. For
convenience, we've divided the analyses into two problems. We will consider
each problem separately. We will also see that each problem consists of
several separate computations, using the HCM or other tools, such as
macroscopic and microscopic simulation programs.
The following set of
case study problems will be analyzed:
Problem 1: |
This problem will review the results of the existing and projected
operations analysis for the Reitz Union Drive intersection to
determine possible mitigation alternatives, including investigating
pedestrian effects, alternate pedestrian crossings, installing a
signal, closing an approach, and analyzing turn lane treatments. |
Problem 2: |
This problem
will review the results of projected operations analysis for the Reitz
Union Drive intersection under signal control to analyze alternative
treatments, including phasing and timing, double cycles, an exclusive
pedestrian phase, and the effects of actuated versus coordinated
timing. |
Problem 3: |
problem will explore the extent that a local jurisdiction's
operational requirements have on the actual performance of an
intersection. In this instance, we will explore the effect of various
signal timing parameters on volume to capacity ratio and how this
relates to signal timing within the signal controller. |
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