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How to Navigate
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ID# INNA002 |
How to Move
Between Case Studies
The home page of the HCMAG document serves as the primary transfer point for
moving among the various case studies. At the top of the home page is a set
of index tabs, each of which is associated with a particular chapter of the
HCMAG. Resting the mouse over any one of these tabs will reveal a further
text description of the contents of the associated chapter. A single mouse
click on the tab will transfer the user to the first page of the chapter.
All the pages within each chapter have a common header at the top of the
page that identifies the chapter title. In the upper left-hand corner of
this header are the words “HCMAG”; a single mouse click on these words will
transfer the user back to the home page of the HCMAG document.
Each page of the chapter also displays a chapter index, in column format, on
the far left-hand side of the page. A single mouse click on “HCMAG Home”,
which is located at the very top of this chapter index, will also transfer
the user back to the home page of the HCMAG document.
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