HCMAG Introduction
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The Highway Capacity Manual
Applications Guidebook (HCMAG) is intended
to assist transportation professionals with the appropriate use and
interpretation of the analysis methodologies contained in the
Highway Capacity Manual.
It uses actual case studies as a means of educating practitioners on how to
properly apply these methodologies and when to use alternative means of
analysis and evaluation. Each case study begins with a description of one or
more interconnected transportation facilities located somewhere in the
United States. As part of this description, a number of performance-related
issues and problems are identified that require resolution, and these are
translated into a series of problem statements subsequently addressed in
sequential order. The problem discussions provide detailed information on
such issues as data requirements, selection of an appropriate analysis
procedure, evaluation and interpretation of the analysis results, and next
The HCMAG aims to provide specific guidance to users of
the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) in defining and scoping the problems that
are to be addressed, identifying and using the appropriate analysis
procedures, and tools, and interpreting the analysis results and
understanding what they mean. Within the definition and scope of the
problem, the HCMAG provides guidance in identifying the appropriate parts of
the transportation system that should be included, the most appropriate
performance measure to focus upon, the available and appropriate tools for
application, the manner in which solution alternatives can affect the
problem definition, and the types and quantities of data that will be
required. With respect to the analysis applications and tools, the HCMAG
provides guidance in identifying application steps where special care and
attention is appropriate, understanding how multiple HCM analysis
methodologies are consistent (or inconsistent) with one another, and
recognizing the conditions under which the application of analysis tools
outside the purview of the HCM may be warranted. Finally, the HCMAG provides
guidance in the analysis and interpretation of results by assisting the user
in determining whether the results are reasonable and consistent,
understanding why sensitivity analysis is important and how to conduct a
sensitivity analysis, determining what solution alternatives are feasible,
learning how to present the results to decision makers in a concise and
understandable fashion, and recognizing the possible next steps in the
investigation that the analysis results point toward.
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The HCMAG includes some discussion of
basic concepts and terminology (for example, signal phase sequencing
nomenclature), but presumes the user is already familiar with these concepts
and has access to generally-used resource documents like the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices and the American Association of State Highway Transportation
Officials (AASHTO) Policy
on Geometric Design. It also presumes the user has access to the HCM,
and therefore does not repeat the step-wise application technique for each
analysis methodology that is already described in the HCM.
This Guidebook is intended to be a
supplemental resource document to the HCM that can be used in a variety of
It can provide guidance on how to
approach, execute, and interpret the results of a facility-specific
analysis that the user might need to undertake. |
It can offer insights into specific
areas of the analysis where special care should be taken to ensure that
the analysis results reasonably and appropriately address the issues of
concern. |
It can identify and characterize the
interactions that one facility type can have on other adjacent or nearby
facility types. |
 | It can provide example data sets and prototypical
analysis procedures that can be used as templates for addressing other
similar real-world problems that the user might encounter. |
As a companion tool to the HCM,
commercial software is available to perform the numerical calculations for
the analysis procedures. All of the HCM computational results presented in
the HCMAG were produced and independently verified by at least two widely
distributed software products that purport to implement the HCM procedures
faithfully. In all cases where HCM procedures were applied, the analysis
results are presented in a software-independent format, reflective of the
fact that the HCMAG does not and cannot judge the fidelity of any software
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The case studies contained in the HCMAG
also include some situations where the desired study of performance in a
traffic situation is not explicitly covered by the HCM analysis
methodologies, or where the traffic situation is very difficult to analyze
using empirical and analytical models. A variety of additional software
packages are available to assist the user in the analysis of these
situations. Where such cases arise, the HCMAG explicitly identifies the
particular software package that was used so that the user has an
appropriate context in which to view the output and understand the ensuing
discussion. It must be emphasized that
the particular software used in the HCMAG is applied for illustrative purposes only, and its use within the
HCMAG case studies does not imply any endorsement or judgment relative to
other software packages that can also be applied with equal effectiveness to
conduct similar analyses. It should also be noted that software packages are
typically updated and refined quite frequently, so the particular output
results reported in the HCMAG may not be replicable with the latest version
of the software. This is not considered to be a significant problem for the
HCMAG where the focus is more upon the analysis process and the
interpretation of the results, and less upon the particular results
Ultimately, the HCMAG is intended to
address every facility type referenced in the Highway Capacity Manual.
Initially, however, this first edition of the HCMAG is more limited in
its focus. To ensure that the HCMAG provides the most effective guidance to
the widest range of potential users, its initial focus is toward those
applications that typically receive the most attention and activity from the
HCM user community. These include:
signalized intersections; |
unsignalized intersections; |
urban streets; |
freeway facilities; and |
two-lane highways. |
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ID# ININ004 |
interactions and considerations are addressed within the HCMAG in the
context of these five facility types. The HCMAG also identifies and
discusses interactions that occur between adjacent components of the
transportation system, such as the operational effects of installing a new
traffic signal on an arterial with pre-existing upstream and downstream
signalized intersections. It is anticipated that future versions of the
HCMAG will be expanded to address more comprehensively the other facility
types contained in the HCM.
All analyses within the HCMAG are conducted in U.S.
Customary units, reflecting the continuing predominant use of these analysis
units throughout the United States. This should not have any great bearing
on the overall usefulness of the Guidebook, whose overarching purpose is to
increase user understanding of the appropriate application of HCM procedures
and the appropriate interpretation of the results.
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How to Navigate the HCMAG
The HCMAG has been designed so that it can be used most effectively as an
electronic document. Because it uses HTML format, the HCMAG should be viewed
and navigated with a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape.
Moving forward or backward through the document can be accomplished by
clicking on the [Continue] or [Back] hyperlinks located near the upper
left-hand and bottom
right-hand corner of every page. The forward (à)
and back (ß)
arrows on the menu bar of the web browser can be used to retrace the user’s
previous steps through the document.
In addition to the viewing and navigation tools normally available on the
web browser itself, the HCMAG also incorporates some other navigational aids
that are intended to assist the user in quickly identifying and accessing
information that is relevant to his/her specific needs. The remainder of
this section introduces and describes these additional navigational aids in
greater detail.
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How to Move
Between Case Studies
The home page of the HCMAG document serves as the primary transfer point for
moving among the various case studies. At the top of the home page is a set
of index tabs, each of which is associated with a particular chapter of the
HCMAG. Resting the mouse over any one of these tabs will reveal a further
text description of the contents of the associated chapter. A single mouse
click on the tab will transfer the user to the first page of the chapter.
All the pages within each chapter have a common header at the top of the
page that identifies the chapter title. In the upper left-hand corner of
this header are the words “HCMAG”; a single mouse click on these words will
transfer the user back to the home page of the HCMAG document.
Each page of the chapter also displays a chapter index, in column format, on
the far left-hand side of the page. A single mouse click on “HCMAG Home”,
which is located at the very top of this chapter index, will also transfer
the user back to the home page of the HCMAG document.
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How to Navigate
Within a Chapter
Inside each chapter, there are many ways for each user to navigate among its
various parts. The chapter’s table of contents, which is displayed in column
format on the far left-hand side of the page, is probably one of the most
powerful ways to navigate. A single mouse click on any one of the entries in
this table of contents will transfer the user to the first page of that
chapter section. The user can always determine his/her current location
within the chapter by looking at the side-bar table of contents: the chapter
section within which the user is currently located will appear as the only
depressed button within the table of contents.
As the user
proceeds through the pages that make up any particular chapter section, a
header near the upper left-hand corner of the page will identify the current
chapter section, the current page number, and the total number of pages
within the chapter section. On the left side of this header is a hyperlink,
identified with the word “Home”, that will take the user back to the
beginning page of the chapter section whenever it is pressed. Near the
bottom right-hand edge of each page are two hyperlinks, [Back] and
[Continue], that will move the user, respectively, to the previous page or
to the next page of the chapter section. On the first page of each chapter
section, the [Back] hyperlink will transfer the user to the first page of
the previous chapter section, or to the home page of the HCMAG if the
current chapter section is also the first section of the chapter. On the
last page of each chapter section, the [Continue] hyperlink will transfer
the user to the first page of the next chapter section, or to the first page
of the next chapter if the current chapter section is also the last section
of the chapter.
The chapter table of contents, located on the left-hand side of each chapter
page, also includes hyperlinks to a few other locations that might be of
regular interest to the user.
“Problem Index”
provides a site map that overviews the contents of each problem and
sub-problem within the chapter. This site map also includes hyperlinks
that will take the user to the specified locations within each problem and
sub-problem. |
provides the user with the ability to download any of the datasets
associated with the individual HCM calculations. Right-clicking on the
appropriate data set will allow the user to download the dataset in XML
format. The text strings that make up the XML format can then be imported
directly into a variety of software packages implementing the HCM
methodologies. |
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Case Studies Format |
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Case Studies Format
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ID# INFO001 |
Format of
Case Study
Each case study is organized similarly:
materials; |
Problems (and
subproblems); and |
Analysis and
discussion. |
The introductory sections are designed to acquaint the reader with the
important characteristics of the case study, including the transportation
facilities of interest, the relevant traffic characteristics, the
surrounding land uses, the key stakeholders and their issues of concern, and
the general scope of the investigation that is about to be undertaken. These
sections also provide an overview of the analyses that will be undertaken
later in the chapter. Based on this, they also discuss the range of possible
analysis tools and their associated data requirements. This discussion leads
to the identification of the particular analysis tools that will be applied
to the subsequent problems in the chapter.
Each problem is separately discussed, and in many cases more than one
analysis must be conducted to address all the issues the problem raises.
Thus, each problem is typically associated with several sub-problems, each
of which constitutes the application of a single analysis procedure. Within
each sub-problem, the information necessary to conduct the analysis is
presented, along with the analysis results. The step-wise application of the
analysis procedure is conducted through use of appropriate software and is
not explicitly discussed in the HCMAG. This avoids repetition of information
already available and published in the HCM and/or software reference
The analysis and
discussion sections of each case study expand upon the findings of each
analysis and problem to identify the key insights that have emerged and the
important conclusions that can be reached. Within this section, the HCMAG
critically reviews the results to ensure that they are reasonable,
meaningful, and consistent. It may also deal with issues of sensitivity
analysis, the feasibility of the recommended solutions, methods for
presenting results to decision makers, and possible next steps.
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Searching |
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ID# INSE001 |
Searching for Information
Search Engine
(on-line version only)
search engine is available in the on-line version of the HCMAG that greatly
facilitates the reader’s ability to locate information related to specific
key words and phrases.
Overview index of
problem contents
The first section of each chapter contains a graphic that identifies, in
tabular format, the types of HCM analyses that are addressed within the
chapter. Each column within the table highlights a defining characteristic
that can be used to describe the types of HCM analyses performed:
Analytical tools;
the relevant chapter
from Part II of the HCM; |
the general facility
type; |
the relevant chapter
from Part III of the HCM; |
the relevant chapter
from Part IV of the HCM; |
the level of
analysis; and |
the problem type.
Within each column is a listing of the possible values that can be
associated with the characteristics. The kinds of problems that are
addressed in the chapter, within each of the seven categories listed above,
are highlighted in blue so that the reader can easily identify them. This
provides a concise visual summary of the kinds of problems and types of
analyses that are addressed within the case study.
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Printing |
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How to Print a
Hardcopy Version of a Case Study
Although the HCMAG has been designed and written primarily for use in an
electronic environment, it is also possible to create a hardcopy version of
each case study. To do so, the user must enter into the particular case
study and the particular chapter section for which a hardcopy is required. A
printer icon will be located in the upper left-hand area of the page, and
associated with the printer icon will be some text identifying the
particular chapter sections that can be converted into a printable form.
Clicking on this icon or the associated text will cause a printable version
of the chapter section(s) to be printed, and the user will be asked to
identify the appropriate printer to which the print file should be directed.
It is important to
note that each icon is associated with only one or a few of the chapter
sections associated with the case study. If it is desired to generate a
hardcopy version of the entire case study, then the user must repeat this
process for each chapter section for which there is a separate printer icon.
The individual printouts that results from this process can then be combined
into a single complete document.
Naturally, the printed version of each case study or chapter section will
not be able to display many of the dynamic elements that are an inherent
part of the electronic version. Thus, information that is available through
pop-up windows or multimedia elements will not be viewable in the printed
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How to Download Problem Datasets
The datasets that form the basis for each of the HCM analyses are available
for download so that the user can explore them in greater detail using a
variety of different software packages. Each dataset has been translated
into XML format, which can be imported directly into many different software
packages. Hyperlinks to these datasets can be found at two different
within the heading
of each output table summarizing the results of an HCM analysis; or |
in a listing of all
the data sets applied in the case study. This listing can be found by
clicking on the word “Datasets”, which is located near the bottom of the
side-bar chapter table of contents on the far left-hand side of each page
within the chapter. The listing includes a brief identifying description
for each of the datasets. |
Right-clicking on
the hyperlink to the appropriate data set will allow the user to download
the dataset file in XML format, and to save the file locally. The text
strings that make up the XML format can then be imported directly into a
variety of software packages implementing the HCM methodologies.
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Report Problems or Ask Questions
If you encounter a
problem in using or navigating through the HCMAG, or if you have a question
about the site or its contents, then we encourage you to click on the
following link to
contact the support center.
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