Getting Started - Page 2 of 8 |
ID# C3GS002 |
Getting Started
What are the goals, objectives, and scope?
We have learned from the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) staff that the goal of this project is to assess the
current operation of Krome Avenue and to evaluate potential mitigation
measures that could overcome the identified deficiencies. For the purposes
of the HCMAG, we'll also use this case study to demonstrate the
manner in which various procedures from the HCM should be selected and
In order to meet the project goals set forth by FDOT
staff, we'll need to address the following specific project objectives:
Establish the framework of the analysis;
Identify the most appropriate tools for carrying out the analysis;
Apply the tools to identify deficiencies in the current operation;
and |
Evaluate potential mitigation measures.
The scope of the study precludes major construction
projects such as conversion of Krome Avenue from a two-lane facility to a
multilane facility. Because of the simplicity inherent in rural settings,
we will not go into great depth in the analysis of the intersection
operations, except when a useful illustrative purpose exists. Other case
studies in this Guide deal with more complex intersections in more urbanized
Population growth in Florida is a complex issue that will
be simplified for this study by assuming fixed annual growth
rates for traffic volume projections.
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