Exhibit 3-6. Information
Required to Determine Two-lane Highway Level of Service |
Data Item |
Source or
Assumptions |
Highway Class
(I or II) |
be determined in Problem 1 |
Facility length |
Scaled from map |
Lane width |
Measured at 12 ft for the whole facility |
Shoulder width |
Measured at 3-5 ft. |
Terrain |
Always flat, consistent with its coastal Florida location |
Traffic volume |
Based on traffic counts |
Based on field measurements |
Directional split |
Based on field measurements |
Trucks and buses (%) |
Based on field measurements |
Recreational vehicles (%) |
Will be aggregated with trucks and buses |
passing zones (%) |
Based on field measurements |
Access points per mile |
Based on field measurements |
Free flow speed |
Base free flow speed will be assumed to be the posted speed + 5 mph.
The actual free flow speed will be calculated from other data items
indicated above, using the HCM Chapter 20 procedure. |