Subproblem 1c - Page 3 of 3 |
ID# C301C03 |
Sub-problem 1c: Special
Considerations for the Analysis
Step 2. Results
detailed look at the three facilities defined on Krome Avenue has revealed
very few abnormal conditions that would require special treatment. Those
conditions that were identified as unusual include:
Excessive queuing on
the northbound approach to Okeechobee during the PM peak, as shown in the
Exhibit 3-12. This intersection is the northern termination of the
facility defined by the north section
of two-lane highway. Any result from the HCM that suggested that this
facility operated satisfactorily as a two-lane highway would be
misleading because of the congestion on this approach. |
A short
(approximately ½ mile) piece of four-lane divided roadway on Krome Avenue
immediately south of Okeechobee, as shown in Exhibit 3-11. This portion is
now a part of the north section, which will be analyzed as a two-lane
roadway. Some modifications should be made to the procedure to
accommodate this condition. |
improvements at three locations to eliminate congestion
during the peak period. The first is at Okeechobee Road, as indicated
above. The other two intersections are at Kendall and at Biscayne. |
There are no conditions present that would suggest the need to use traffic models
that are more complex than the HCM. For the unsignalized intersection at
Okeechobee Road, the only such models that could be
applied to this case study are those that estimate delays at a roundabout. We will examine the alternative of using a roundabout at Okeechobee Road in
connection with Problem 4. The treatment of roundabouts as unsignalized
intersections is limited (in the HCM 2000) to the estimation of capacity for single lane
roundabouts. The investigation of a roundabout at that location will stay
within the scope of the HCM.
Exhibit 3-11. Four-lane section at Okeechobee
Road |
Exhibit 3-12. Northbound congestion at
Okeechobee Road |
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