Problem 5 - Page 2 of 2 |
ID# C305002 |
Problem 5:
Signalization of Okeechobee Road
The HCM suggests in
Chapter 16 that free-flowing right turns that are not under signal
control should be removed entirely from the analysis. We have already
established that the northbound and eastbound right turns are free flowing
because of channelization. Therefore, neither of these movements will be
considered as a part of the signalization.
The current TWSC operation
at this intersection provides only one lane for the northbound left turn (see
Because of the available space and the capacity advantage of a second lane
under signal control, two lanes will be assigned to this movement. In
addition, because of the geometrics of this T intersection, the northbound
left turn has more of the characteristics of a through movement than a left
turn. Therefore, for purposes of signal analysis, the northbound left turn
will be considered as a through movement.
The signal analysis
sub-problems will be based on the following demand volumes: