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Subproblem 4c - Page 1 of 3

ID# C304C01

Sub-problem 4c: Separating the Conflict Points for TWSC Control

Step 1. Setup

Because of the wide median, the high speed, and the rural nature of the channelization design for the right turns at the Krome Avenue/Okeechobee Road intersection (see photo), it could be argued that this intersection is unlikely to operate as the single urban intersection we considered in sub-problem 4a but rather as four separate intersections, with each intersection representing one of the conflict points identified in the diagram below. As a general rule, the separate analysis of individual conflict points will usually give a more optimistic assessment of the operational characteristics of the intersection than will the aggregation of conflict points into a single intersection. 



Why would separating conflicts produce a more optimistic assessment of the intersections?

bulletHow are the conflict points inter-related?

Take a few minutes to consider these questions.  Click continue when you are ready to proceed.

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