Problem 4 - Page 2 of 2 |
ID# C304002 |
Problem 4:
Okeechobee Road
Stop-Controlled Analysis
Stop-controlled intersection analyses
will be treated in four separate sub-problems:
Sub-problem 4a will
examine the capacity of the critical minor street movement (the northbound
left turn), using the graphical solution presented in the HCM, without
going through the full procedure.
Sub-problem 4b will
invoke the full HCM procedure, treating the operation as a conventional
stop-controlled intersection and ignoring the unusual separation between the conflict
Sub-problem 4c will
separate the conflict points for stop-control and treat each conflict
point individually.
Sub-problem 4d
will consider the question of how best to analyze the capacity of the
northbound right turn, which is well removed from the intersection
operation by channelization.
Questions to consider as you proceed through this problem: